public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

Common account picker similar to the standard framework account picker introduced in ICS: newChooseAccountIntent.


Public Methods
static Intent newChooseAccountIntent(Account selectedAccount, ArrayList<Account> allowableAccounts, String[] allowableAccountTypes, boolean alwaysPromptForAccount, String descriptionOverrideText, String addAccountAuthTokenType, String[] addAccountRequiredFeatures, Bundle addAccountOptions)
Returns an intent to an Activity that prompts the user to choose from a list of accounts.
I nherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Intent newChooseAccountIntent (Account selectedAccount, ArrayList<Account> allowableAccounts, String[] allowableAccountTypes, boolean alwaysPromptForAccount, String descriptionOverrideText, String addAccountAuthTokenType, String[] addAccountRequiredFeatures, Bundle addAccountOptions)

Returns an intent to an Activity that prompts the user to choose from a list of accounts. The caller will then typically start the activity by calling startActivityForResult(intent, ...);.

On success the activity returns a Bundle with the account name and type specified using keys KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME and KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE.

The most common case is to call this with one account type, e.g.:

 Intent intent = AccountPicker.newChooseAccountIntent(null, null, new String[]{""},
         false, null, null, null, null);
 startActivityForResult(intent, SOME_REQUEST_CODE);
The account picker activity will return when use has selected and/or created an account, and the resulting account name can be retrieved as follows:
 protected void onActivityResult(final int requestCode, final int resultCode,
         final Intent data) {
     if (requestCode == SOME_REQUEST_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
         String accountName = data.getStringExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME);

selectedAccount if specified, indicates that the Account is the currently selected one, according to the caller's definition of selected.
allowableAccounts an optional ArrayList of accounts that are allowed to be shown. If not specified then this field will not limit the displayed accounts.
allowableAccountTypes an optional string array of account types. These are used both to filter the shown accounts and to filter the list of account types that are shown when adding an account.
alwaysPromptForAccount if set, the account chooser screen is always shown, otherwise it is only shown when there is more than one account from which to choose.
descriptionOverrideText if non-null this string is used as the description in the accounts chooser screen rather than the default.
addAccountAuthTokenType this string is passed as the addAccount(String, String, String[], Bundle, Activity, AccountManagerCallback, Handler) authTokenType parameter.
addAccountRequiredFeatures this string array is passed as the addAccount(String, String, String[], Bundle, Activity, AccountManagerCallback, Handler) requiredFeatures parameter.
addAccountOptions This Bundle is passed as the addAccount(String, String, String[], Bundle, Activity, AccountManagerCallback, Handler) options parameter.
  • an Intent that can be used to launch the ChooseAccount activity flow.