Project Links:
Project Dates:
Start |
Finish |
Jul-2004 |
May-2007 |
May-2007 |
Mar-2008 |
Mar-2008 |
Nov-2009 |
Nov-2009 |
May-2011 |
May-2011 |
Present |
Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL) in Homestake, SD

- “The Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory, or DUSEL is a major project under consideration by the research wings of the United States Department of Energy. DUSEL will be a series of large laboratories, caverns, and cleanrooms serving the field of underground science. The main impetus for DUSEL is the study of extremely rare nuclear physics processes, like neutrino scattering, dark matter interactions, and neutrinoless double beta decay, which can only be studied in the absence of cosmic rays. (Cosmic ray muons on the Earth's surface cause backgrounds in these types of detectors, but the particles cannot penetrate great depths in rock.) Easy access to these great depths will open new frontiers in geomicrobiology, geosciences, and mining engineering, making DUSEL a multidisciplinary facility” from wikipedia.
- The DUSEL project was renamed to SURF more about SURF can be read at
- Oregon Forecasting Inc. was supporting the DUSEL project’s Project Controls group Preliminary Design Report deliverable to the NSF. $1.6 Billion project with multiple funding categories and estimate sources. Primary responsibilities are for the design and construction estimates, the P6 version 7 resource loaded integrated project schedule with total project costs, and the EVMS development and implementation.