instructor: Melany budiman, M.Ed.

Beginning Web Site Creation using Dreamweaver

Please note: You will be required to spend time on a computer outside of class working on assignments, discussions, and quizzes. You will need to access D2L Brightspace, PCC Learning Management System, to work on Discussions and Quizzes.

Login directly to D2L Brightspace or from MyPCC and click on "D2L Brightspace Login" located in the Quick Links widget on MyPCC Home tab. Depending on your computer skills, you should plan to spend 4 to 12 hours a week outside of class.

To begin, start by reading the Syllabus, Course Orientation, and Course Calendar. Don't forget to download the course files to work on your assignments.

jordan banducci

business website for motorcycle restoration.

roberta fenn

website for a North Douglas High School class of 1985.

cindy cacerez-sprague

portfolio website for inspiration and artwork.