COURSE TITLE: CS 160 Exploring Computer Science
INSTRUCTOR NAME: Walter Morales (Fall 05) Li Liang (Winter 06)


Walter Morales

Welcome to Fall 05 and CS160.

I will be your instructor this Fall quarter. Since this course was developed with the collaboration of two instructions, you may see Li's quotes once in a while. I am the instructor assigned for this Fall quarter. If you have any questions, please direct them to me at You are welcome to read Li's introduction below.

Hi, my dad is teaching this course, he loves computers including computer literacy and Computer Science are his favorite topics, I say that because he stays a lot of time on the computer while I am taking naps and when I am awake. He has been teaching for PCC since 1992 so he does have many years of teaching experience in Computer Information Systems and Computer Science classes.

I can not read yet, but pay a lot of attention and dad said that the secret for distance learning classes is to do a lot of reading and make sure to keep up with the material. Help can be found on webct's "Class discussion" area and ask him questions directly via email.

He also told me that he needs some family time and can not be available 24hrs a day to help out his students so you can expect sometimes 3 days before you get a response (if it is a holiday  weekend), but since he is on the computer "A LOT" it is very unlikely that he will take so long to respond.

My dad's web site

General Introduction about the course:

The course was created using a software package called "WebCT", which you will learn more about later in this document, and consists of many different functions to present the required material needed to complete the course. Typically the course will contain some online lecture material and a reading assignment. In addition to theses items, you may be asked to participate in an online discussion about the relevant topic, create a project or view other material related to the course. Each course may contain a quiz to take to gauge your understanding of the material presented.

Because this is an internet delivered course, interaction between students and instructors will be conducted entirely online using the built in communication tools located within the course.  Your enjoyment of the course will be greatly affected by the amount of time you spend communicating with others in the course.

Minimum Requirements of Your Computer System

Computing and Internet Access Requirements

To participate in PCC Online courses, students are expected to be familiar with computers and the Internet.  PCC Online students must have access to the following equipment:

  • Your Computer
    • A PC running Windows 98 Second Edition or Higher OR a Macintosh running OS 9 or higher. (Other Operating Systems may work as well, as long as they can run an appropriate browser. However, the WebCT Help Desk and Student Support Desk will not be able to support these systems).
    • 128 Mb RAM (256 Mb highly recommended) and at least 50 Mb of available disk space for assignments.
    • A modem or other device capable of connecting to the internet at a speed of at least 56 kbps or better highly recommended).
    • Internet / Browser
      • An ISP (Internet Service Provider).  Users of AOL, please go to: for specific information about accessing courses using AOL.
      • An internet browser installed on your computer. The following browsers are supported by the software we use to deliver online courses:
        • PC users can use the following: Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0. Netscape 6.2, 7.0 and 7.1, AOL 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0, Mozilla 1.5 and 1.6.
        • Mac users can use the following: Internet Explorer 5.1 (OS 9.x and OS X 10.1) and 5.2 (OS X 10.1, 10.2, 10.3). Netscape 6.2.x (OS 9.x and OS X), 7.0 & 7.1 (OS X). AOL, Mozilla 1.5, 1.6 (OS X), Safari 1.2
      • Other Internet browsers may work but are not currently supported.
    • Other Software
      • A word processing software program, such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect
      • A sound card and speakers are required for some courses.
      • Current Virus software that must be installed and kept up to date

      Class Specific Requirements


    * PLEASE NOTE: Students are responsible for their own software and computer equipment maintenance and setup.

Alternate Server URL's

In the event that you cannot reach your PCC online course through the normal channels, please try the following URLs.
  2. Check to make sure you can reach other web sites through your ISP connections.

If you cannot reach any web sites at all, call your Internet service provider to make sure they are not having system problems.

If you cannot reach web site #1 or #2 above, but you can get to other web sites, call the PCC WebCT helpdesk, during the hours below to report the problem:

If you are having other problems, check out our support page.

WebCT Helpdesk Hours

During the Term
Monday- Thursday 9AM-7PM
Friday 9 AM- 5 PM
The Helpdesk is closed any day PCC is closed

The WebCT helpdesk email address is

The telephone number is 503 977-8222.

What is WebCT and why should I care?:

WebCT is a tool that facilitates the creation of sophisticated World Wide Web-based educational environments. It is a software package that resides on a central server and allows access to it's functions without any additional software besides the browser you are using to read this message right now. This college has adopted WebCT as it's software of choice for the delivery of it's online courses.

If you would like more information on WebCT and how to use it, you may find more information in the following locations...

Each of the tools found within the course can be accessed by clicking on it's corresponding "icon". An Icon is simply a graphical representation of a function found within the course. For example, if you wanted to take a quiz, simply click on the  icon.

Course Communication

All communication in the class will be conducted through the built in communication tools found on the home page of this course. The following matrix will describe each of the communication tools and how they work...

Icon Tool Name Function

Private Mail This will not be used. Please use your private email program to correspond with your instructor.

Class Discussion We will use this a lot!

Use this tool when you want to communicate with the entire class. Everyone in the class, including the instructor will be able to read messages posted here. You may also "reply" privately or publicly to any message here.

New Discussion Postings The normal Class Discussion icon will change to this icon to alert you that there are new messages posted to the discussion area.

Please note that the instructor will not respond immediately to your mail messages, instead will communicate with you in a timely manor.


Students with disabilities should notify the instructor if special accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities in taking Web based distance-learning classes please visit PCC's  Office for Students with Disabilities

Is your Browser Ready?

Follow this link to check to see if your browser is updated properly...

If so, return to this page and proceed with the rest of this document.

What about labs and quizzes:

labs :
You will work on a set of labs this term. The labs will be available under "Assignments" link on course home page. You will submit your labs via e-mail to


The quizzes are open book, open notes. I will post the quizzes when we are ready. The quizzes will be multiple choice questions and true/false questions.


We will be writting very basic C++ programs. Any C++ compiler will work but when this topic arrives your instructor will provide you with some options.

We will use it when we get into programming part.


This concludes the orientation to this course. Thank you for your attention. Here's what to do next...

  • Make sure you have completed the PCC Online Orientation at this URL...
  • Read the syllabus page
  • Read the first online lecture
  • Familiarize yourself with the course and it's features,
  • Read the message from the instructor in the Class Discussion area and post a message of your own with the following information...
First Name
Is this your first online class?
Tell us why you are taking this course.

NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to modify the course
 requirements, assignments, grading procedures and other related
 policies as circumstances may dictate.

Li Liang

Hi everyone,

Welcome to CS160! I am Li. I have been teaching CS/CIS classes in PCC as a full-time instructor for four years. I look forward to knowing all of you and learning with all of you. It will be a fun term!

Before teaching here in PCC, I worked for U. S. Software which was sold to Lantronix about one year after I took the job here. The major programming languages I use and teach are C/C++ and Java. I am a Sun Ceritified Java Programmer.

CS160 is a servey course that presents you a breadth-first overview of Computer Science while assuming no prior background in computer science or programming. It is designed for both majors and nonmajors. After this class, you will have a solid grounding in the central concepts of computer science as well as in the important uses of computing and information technology. You are expected to complete a set of labs and quizzes in this term. The labs are not designed to frustrate you, but I can gurantee you that you will get frustrated from time to time. Whenever that happens, you can post your questions to the discussion board, email me or drop by my office hours (see syllabus for my office hours). We are all there for you!

Good luck! I hope and expect that you will enjoy the class!



 If this is the first online class you have ever taken before,
please take a few moments to read an Introduction to WebCT and successful online learning.
Additionally, there are links to free plugins you may need, a browser check,
and several very important links.