Portland Community College Employment Quest Course

Education specialist with a student Welcome To
Employment Quest

This course will provide students with the opportunity to develop quality work search materials and techniques for industry specific transition from college to career. Today's labor market requires application materials to be complete and professional.

To receive job postings via a list serve you must complete the Employment Quest course and submit required materials. Please follow these steps:

Step 1. Register for the Employment Quest Course by contacting either Specialist:

Terry Arnold Glenna Barrick-Harwood
503-977-4558 503-977-4661

Step 2. Read the entire Job Placement/Cooperative Education Application Form, sign it, and submit by fax (503-977-8129), mail (P.O. Box 19000, Portland, OR. 97280-0990) or deliver to the Sylvania Cooperative Education/Student Employment Office (Room CC221).

Step 3. Complete the course as described in the Employment Quest Course Outline, and submit the required assignments to the Specialist(s) listed above.

Once all of your required materials have been received and reviewed, you will be added to the list serve and begin receiving job postings.



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