150 pts
Implement a small student database system
In this assignment you will implement a small
database containing 3 student objects. The information about each student object
have the student's name, grade for exam 1, grade for exam 2 and grade for exam
3. You will build a menu using the switch statement to perform calls to
several methods. Your menu will stay constant on the screen until the user
chooses to quit. Add the classes that allows user input from Keyboard.
An example: (You may want to copy this
and run it)
// Homework.java
* Homework Assignment Info
* Programmer: Michele Clark
* Description: This program displays information about
* homework assignments based on a user-entered choice.
* It demonstrates do loops and switch statements.
* Input: The user inputs their choice of info to view.
* Output: The information is presented to the user.
import java.io.*;
import java.text.*;
public class Homework
public void showAssignment()
//Displays next assignment on screen.
System.out.println ("\nshowAssignment not
public void showGrade()
//Asks for a student number and gives the corresponding grade.
System.out.println ("\nshowGrade not implemented");
public void giveHints()
//Displays a hint for the current assignment.
System.out.println ("\nAssignment hints:\n"
+ "Analyze the problem\n"
+ "Write an algorithm in pseudocode.\n"
+ "Translate the pseudocode into a C++
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
BufferedReader stdin = new
BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in));
// hmwk is an instance of the Homework class
Homework hmwk = new Homework();
int choice;
// display choices for user
System.out.print ("\n" +
"Choose 1 to see the next homework assignment.\n"
+ "Choose 2 for your grade on the last assignment.\n"
+ "Choose 3 for assignment hints.\n"
+ "Choose 4 to exit this program.\n"
+ "Enter your choice and press return: ");
// read an integer from the user
choice = Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine());
// call the appropriate method for the choice
switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
System.out.println ("End of Program.");
System.out.println ("Not a valid choice.\n"
+ "Choose again.");
// repeat the loop until the user enters 4
} while (choice != 4);
System.out.println ("\n\n\nPress Enter to close window");
As it happens in the real world, sometimes you
want to compare students' scores and also take averages of exams. Your job
will be to create a class called Student and implement the following methods,
you may want to create more methods if you wish, but remember simplicity. Also
make sure to implement the proper driver.
Your switch statement will be surrounded by some
control structure like the while loop and it will repeat itself until the user
selects and option to quit the menu (if you implement the keyboard input there
will a selection like x, if not, then on your main program you take care of
quitting the program, but also done inside the switch)
Make sure to implement all the preconditions/postconditions
as part of your documentation, use proper design and create a small test plan
with 10 cases. You should create a small Driver that automatically with test
your code. Remember that we spent a large amount of class time in design, so
please make sure to apply it on your program since this assignment will be grade
as follows:
50% design, was the program design keeping in mind
separating the driver from the server. Formatting, etc. |
30% implementation, used good and correct solution for
the given problem, creative, innovative. |
20% testing, test case implemented correctly, is the
program fully tested avoiding simple programming errors. |
Constructor - It will initialize the
student objects with a names, SSN, score for Exam 1, 2 and 3. The user will have
to input them.
DisplayExamGrade - It will display any given exam for any
DisplayStudentGrades - It will display the information
about a desired student only.
DisplayStudentSummary - method to show the
student information and their scores for each exam.
Output: (you can create your own names and scores)
Tom Jones
Exam1: 84
Exam2: 99
Exam3: 33
Mary Lou
Exam1: 54
Exam2: 89
Exam3: 85
Walt Morale
Exam1: 84
Exam2: 99
Exam3: 92
CompareGrade - compare scores for
any particular exam. Your switch statement will have some sample
comparisons like: Compare exam 1 for student 1 with exam 1 for student 2 (Have 3
comparisons on your switch menu. The ideal situation would be allowing the user
to select which comparison they would want to make and take those values as
parameters to the CompareGrade method.
Output (you may have other variations)
Mary Lou scored 54 on Exam 1
Walt Morale scored 84 on Exam 1
Therefore Walt score was higher
AverageScore - this method will take the
values for each score for each exam and average and display them. (this will
also be an option on the switch menu)
The average for all three exams were:
Exam1 average: ??
Exam2 average: ??
Exam3 average: ??
Create a main method and this client should
go through this process: |
Create 3 student objects
(Switch option a) Display the student's names,
and grade for each exam (summary)
(Switch option b) Display student ?? grades
(Switch option c) Display grade ? for student
(Switch option d, e, f) Compare grades, i.e.
Student 1 Exam 1 With exam 1 for Student 2
(Switch option g) Display exam averages (most
likely there will be a method to do it)
(Switch option x) Exit menu/program
Any questions, let instructor know before the
assignment is due, remember that if you show this to the instruction prior to
the due date you can almost guarantee full points on it!.
Place it all in a large envelope
(place all in large envelope)
Your floppy disk with the program |
The hard copy of your source code |
A hard copy of a sample output |
Test plan sheet (s) with the results. |
Links that may help you
Java control Structures