Creating a Threaded Discussion

  1.  From the File menu, select New and click Web. The New dialog appears.

  2. Click Discussion Web Wizard, select the check box for Add to current Web and click OK.

  1. Click Next on the first page of the wizard and click Next after confirming the main features on the second page (leave the defaults checked).
  2. Enter a title for your discussion, leave the discussion folder as _disc1 and click Next.

  3. Click Next on the fourth page indicating you wish to have just a subject and comments on a submission form.

  4. Click Next on the fifth page indicating that you wish to allow anyone to participate in the discussion. The discussion can be restricted if you wish by selecting the button beside yes

  5. Select Newest to oldest as the sort order for messages on the sixth page and click Next.

  6. Make sure to leave No selected on the seventh page and click Next.

  7. Select the way you wish items found in a search are to be displayed and click Next.

  8. Select Contents beside current article to allow ease of navigation within the discussion and click Next (Frames are supported by most browsers now so don’t hesitate to use them).

  9. Click Finish on the last page, but pay attention to the fact that it is giving you the name of the main page in the discussion web’s structure that will need to be placed into the navigational structure of the main web. The filename of the page will be disc1_frm.htm.

  10. Switch to Navigation View and drag and drop disc1_frm.htm into the organizational structure at the level directly below the home page.

  11. Right click the page, click Rename and change the page name to Discussion. Press Enter.