Lecture Notes Sarwar

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Course Handouts
Lecture Notes Sarwar
Labs Sarwar
Lecture Notes Sobell


Power point slides

bullet Chapter 1
bullet Chapter 2
bullet Chapter 3
bullet Chapter 4
bullet Chapter 5 a
bullet Chapter 5 b
bullet Chapter 6
bullet Chapter 7
bullet Chapter 8
bullet Chapter 9
bullet Chapter 10


bullet Chapter 11
bullet Chapter 12 a
bullet Chapter 12 b
bullet Chapter 13
bullet Chapter 14
bullet Chapter 15
bullet Chapter 16
bullet Chapter 17
bullet Chapter 18
bullet Chapter 19
bullet Chapter 20
bullet Chapter 21


How to connect to the Unix system

Logging into our unix system

After downloading putty (PuTTY is a client program for the SSH, Telnet and Rlogin network protocols). Follow these steps.

  Putty Window

There is only one little configuration that needs to be changed.

1. Under Category click once on SSH and make sure to check the radio box 2, under Preferred SSH protocol version:

Putty Configuration Screen

2. After changing the Preferred SSH protocol version to 2, under Category click on Session

3. In the Host Name (or IP address) box type: syccuxfs01.pcc.edu, also, make sure to click on the radio button SSH.

PuTTY Configuration

4. You can type a name under Saved Sessions and click on the Save button to save the configuration, then, click on Open

You should see the window that will ask you for your login as: (it should be the same name as your mypcc id), then your password that should be syccuxfs123. Make sure to change it after your first login with the command passwd (look at the book for options for good passwords)

If your login is successful, you should see the shell prompt.

Login screen after sucessful login

Try out a few commands.

The user prompt changes from system to system, the BASH prompt usually is a $ sign. BASH will be your login shell. We will be using the bash shell for this class and give a brief introduction to TCSH.

Once you login you will need to type the TERM=vt100 at the shell prompt.   Why (terminal emulation)?

You may have terminal type problems if the emulation is not correct:

bulletWhat terminal type your software is emulating?
bulletWhat terminal type are you specifying when logging on?
bulletIs the terminal type being set correctly?
bulletIs that emulation compatible with our systems?
bullet(Poorly written programs may not  do good emulation)

As you log in to some Unix systems, you may see the prompt:

    TERM = (unknown)

What do you type at that prompt? If you're just hitting Enter, that's the problem. It's asking you to input the terminal type your communications software is using. You'll need to determine this yourself, either from being told by whoever gave/sold it to you or in the documentation. Some communication packages have multiple termtype settings, so you'll also need to make sure your software is set as you think it is. Most telnet, ssh programs use vt100 emulation.

Now you are ready to start typing UNIX commands.

Change your password

You will agree that your password is not the easiest one to remember, so let's change it.

  1. type the command passwd. You will be asked to type your current password and your new one. Some rules about the password: Without arguments passwd will change the password for the current user. First the user is asked for the old password, then prompted twice for the new password in order to catch typing errors. The new password must be at least six characters long, and have both upper and lower case letters or non-letters. The new password must not be equal to the old password, and it must not match the username.



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This page was last modified September 26, 2004