"The value in variable n is $n and is equal to ken Thompson"
Note: This should work for any variable named n (with any contents).
The double quotes must be displayed as well.
3) There are two special characters that can't be turned off with
either single or double quotations (in C-shell). What are these characters?
4) Explain the difference between the .cshrc and the .login files in a
user's home directory (Note: in terms of how when they are processed by the C-shell).
5) How are the following commands different?
a) % set d = date
b) % set d = `date`
6) First view the contents of the /etc/passwd file a few times to get
familiar with its contents. Then, using the grep command, display the entry for your
account in the /etc/passwd file (can assume that your user information has been updated
with the chfn command). Note: for this question just write the command line for the grep
7) Using the grep command display a list of currently logged in users
whose account name begins with the same letter as your account (use the output of who and
pipe). Note: Just write the command line that accomplishes this.
8) Using the grep command display a long list of all directories (only)
in your ~. Note: just write the command line.
9) Use the grep command to display your ~/.cshrc file with line
numbers. Note: just write the command line.
10) How are the following file (or directory) references different in
a) ~xyz
b) ~/xyz