Due Date:  Announced in class/e-mail 50 Points

We know the impact that the internet has had on our society. A lot of new technology was created and improved in the last 10 years. So, to enhance a little bit more the understanding of this new technology and vocabulary  answer the following questions.

Answer these questions using at most one paragraph, but be complete. If the term is an acronym don't just describe the initial, but explain what it is.

1. Define or describe each of the terms. (all computer related terms)

  • broadband connection
  • client/server model
  • cookies
  • DSL
  • extranet
  • FTP
  • HTML
  • hyperlink
  • java
  • JavaScript
  • newsgroup
  • packet switching
  • spam
  • TCI/IP
  • URL
  • World Wide Web

2. Why it is hard to determine how big the Internet is today? Give several reasons.

3. Why are TCP/IP protocols so important to the functioning of the Internet? What do they do?

4. How does the type of Internet connection influence the things you can do on the Internet?

5. Explain the relationship between the client/server model and the fact that different users might experience different interfaces while accessing the same data.

6. What do email addresses and URL have in common?

7. Why is netiquette so important? Give some examples of netiquette.

8. How might you use remote login while visiting another school? What about file transfer? How might the Web make remote login unnecessary?

9. Why is file compression important on the Internet?

10. Why is the World Wide Web important as a publishing medium? In what ways is the Web different from any publishing medium that's ever existed before?

11. Briefly describe several software tools that can be used to develop Web pages.

12. How does push technology differ from standard Web page delivery techniques? How is it used?

13. What new services are available as a result of the commercialization of the Internet? What new problems are arising as a result of that commercialization?

Submit the answer to these questions typed. Include the questions and on the top of your document, include your name, date, class and the url (http://sws......) for this assignment.

Also, save this document uploaded to the server as a webpage called assignment6.htm. Upload it to the sws web server under  your directory. Change your initial homepage index.htm to have a link to this assignment 6.

Any questions, let me know.





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