Chapter 4
Specification of a simple class |
This chapter discusses
How to write the specifications
for a class. |
The precise description of features
common to all instances of the class. |
Features of the server seen by the
client. |
Distinct from the implementation. |
The client-server relationship between
two objects. |
Several example class specifications. |
Client and Server
A client queries and commands a server. |
Queries ascertain values of properties. |
Commands change its state. |
A client uses a server. |
Client and Server (cont.)
Specification and
specification: an object’s features, as
seen by its clients. |
implementation: the “internals” that
make up the features. |
Specification and
implementation (cont.)
Specifications isolate you from the
details of the implementation. |
“I don’t care how you do it, just get
the job done”(to specifications). |
How the features are actually
implemented by the server, is of no concern to the client. |
Preserving the distinction between
specification and implementation is absolutely essential. |
Let’s start specifying
First, enumerate the object’s
responsibilities. Then determine its
properties and commands. |
Java syntax does not allow us to
separate a class specification from its implementation. |
A simple counter
A simple counter’s responsibilities: |
Know (one query): |
the value of the count |
Do (two commands): |
set the count to 0 |
increment the count by 1 |
A simple counter (cont.)
A simple counter |
Class:Counter |
Queries (Properties): |
count (A non-negative integer) |
Commands: |
reset (sets count value to 0) |
step_count (increments the
count by 1) |
Slide 10
Tools such as javadoc generate sets of
HTML documents containing specifications extracted from program source files. |
Slide 12
Invoking a method
method: a language construct that
defines and implements a query or command. |
In order to invoke a method, you must
have an instance of the class call the method. |
Syntax:instance.method() |
Example: c.count() |
Slide 14
Slide 15
Maze game example
An explorer (player) must navigate
successfully through the rooms without being killed by denizen (monsters). |
There can be several rooms and denizen,
but only one explorer. |
We need 3 classes: Explorer, Denizen,
and Room. |
Explorer responsibilities
Know: |
his name |
his location in the maze |
damage inflicted upon an opponent |
damage received from an opponent |
his stamina |
Do: |
set or change name |
change location |
fight a maze Denizen |
Slide 18
Invoking methods with
To be invoked properly, a method
sometimes requires information from the client. Information is passed in as parameters. |
When a client invokes a method, the
client must provide a value of the appropriate type for each parameter. |
Syntax:instance.method(p0,p1,p2…) |
The only way an object’s state can
change is by invoking one of the object’s methods. |
Parameters and arguments
If we wish to change an explorer’s
name, we must provide a new name. |
If we wish to change an explorer’s
location, we must provide either a new location or a movement from which the
location can be determined. |
The needed elements are referred to as
the parameters of the command. |
The actual values we provide are
referred to as arguments. |
Slide 21
Slide 22
Can be used to set the initial values
of an objects properties. |
Examples: |
A counter’s initial value of 0. |
An explorer’s initial name, location,
strength, and stamina. |
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Slide 25
Class Student
Consider a university registration
system. |
Students register for courses. |
Each student is represented by a
distinct object. |
All students are members of the Student
class. |
The university |
Assesses fees. |
Prints student schedules. |
Produces class rolls. |
Etc. |
public String name () |
public String address () |
public String ssn () |
public int creditHours () |
public int fees () |
public int feesPaid () |
public courses.CourseList schedule() |
Slide 28
public void changeName () |
public void changeAddress () |
public void changeSsn () |
public void addCourse () |
public void dropCourse () |
public void payFees () |
public Student (String name, String
address, String ssn) |
We’ve covered
Specification of classes in Java. |
Client-Server relationships. |
Definitions of specification and implementation. |
Several examples of simple class
implementation. |
Glossary (cont.)