Chapter 3
Basic Java structural components

This chapter discusses
Some Java fundamentals.
The high-level structure of a system written in Java.
compilation units
Some fundamental “tokens” that make up a Java program.

Creating a Software System
Define the classes to which objects belong.
A class definition determines the features and behavior of the objects that are instances of the class.
A program source is a collection of class definitions.

A system definition is composed of a number of modules called packages.
A package is a collection of one or more closely related classes.
public class: a class that is accessible throughout the entire system.

Packages (cont.)

Compilation unit
A source file containing the definition of one or more classes of a package.
It can contain the definition of at most one public class.

Compilation unit (cont.)

Sequences of characters that can be used to name things in a Java program.

Identifiers (cont.)
A sequence of letters, digits, ‘$’s, and/or ‘_’s.
Cannot begin with a digit.
Case sensitive (‘A’ and ‘a’ are considered different!!).

Identifiers (cont.)
Legal: X   Abc   A_a_x   b$2 aVeryLongIdentifier   b29  a2b $_   $$$   IXLR8
Illegal: 2BRnot2B   a.b   Hello! A-a  A+a
All different identifiers:            total   Total   TOTAL   tOtAl

Identifiers used already

Choosing identifiers
Choose descriptive names.
      Student or Textbook
not       S or Thing
Avoid overly long identifiers.
Avoid abbreviations; if you abbreviate, be consistent.
Inconsistent: clientRec and studentRecord

Choosing identifiers (cont.)
Be as specific as possible.
Take particular care to distinguish closely related entities.
Effective        Less-Effective
newMasterRecord    masterRecord1
oldMasterRecord     masterRecord2
Don’t incorporate the name of its syntactic category in its name.

Sequences of characters that denote particular values.
We write literals in our programs to denote specific values.

Numbers -- both positive and negative.
Commas, periods, and leading zeros are not allowed in ‘int’s.
25 0 123456 -289765 7
123,456 25.0 014765

Numbers including decimal points.
Digits before and after the decimal point are preferred.

Exponential Notation
Can be used to represent doubles.
The “e” can be upper or lower case.
The mantissa need not contain a decimal point.

Character literals
Single characters between apostrophes (single quotes).
‘A’ ‘a’ ‘2’ ‘;’ ‘ ’
3 characters not represented by themselves:
‘ -> ‘\’’ (apostrophe)
“ -> ‘\”’ (quotation mark)
\ -> ‘\\’ (backslash)

Only 2 possible literals:
true (Not TRUE or True)

General lexical rules
Files are made up of tokens -- identifiers, keywords, literals, and punctuation marks.
Spaces and line ends are somewhat arbitrary.
Spaces are required between words:
Wrong: publicclass Student

General lexical rules (cont.)
Spaces are not required, but are permitted, around punctuation.
All correct examples:
public class Student{
public class Student {
a + b
Extra spaces and line endings are allowed.
public class Student {

General lexical practices
Be consistent in spacing and line endings to make your programs as readable as possible.

Explanatory remarks are included in a program for the benefit of a human reader, and are ignored by the compiler.
Use // to treat the rest of the line as a comment.
Use /* and */ to begin and end a section of comments.
/* This is a comment */

We’ve covered
Fundamental structure of a Java program.
Class definitions and compilation units
Instances of classes
Lexical structure


Glossary (cont.)