Chapter 3
Basic Java structural components |
This chapter discusses
Some Java fundamentals. |
The high-level structure of a system
written in Java. |
packages |
compilation units |
Some fundamental tokens that make up
a Java program. |
identifiers |
literals |
Creating a Software
Define the classes to which objects
belong. |
A class definition determines the features
and behavior of the objects that are instances of the class. |
A program source is a collection of
class definitions. |
A system definition is composed of a
number of modules called packages. |
A package is a collection of one or
more closely related classes. |
public class: a class that is
accessible throughout the entire system. |
Packages (cont.)
Compilation unit
A source file containing the definition
of one or more classes of a package. |
It can contain the definition of at
most one public class. |
Compilation unit (cont.)
Sequences of characters that can be
used to name things in a Java program. |
packages |
classes |
objects |
features |
Identifiers (cont.)
A sequence of letters, digits, $s,
and/or _s. |
Cannot begin with a digit. |
Case sensitive (A and a are
considered different!!). |
Identifiers (cont.)
Legal: X Abc A_a_x b$2 aVeryLongIdentifier b29
a2b $_ $$$ IXLR8 |
Illegal: 2BRnot2B a.b
Hello! A-a A+a |
All different identifiers: total Total TOTAL tOtAl |
Identifiers used already
Choosing identifiers
Choose descriptive names. |
Student or Textbook |
not S or Thing |
Avoid overly long identifiers. |
HoldsTheNumberOfIterationsOfLoop |
Avoid abbreviations; if you abbreviate,
be consistent. |
Inconsistent: clientRec and studentRecord |
Choosing identifiers
Be as specific as possible. |
Take particular care to distinguish
closely related entities. |
Effective Less-Effective |
newMasterRecord masterRecord1 |
oldMasterRecord masterRecord2 |
Dont incorporate the name of its
syntactic category in its name. |
Less-Effective:StudentClass |
Sequences of characters that denote
particular values. |
We write literals in our programs to
denote specific values. |
Numbers -- both positive and negative. |
Commas, periods, and leading zeros are
not allowed in ints. |
Legal: |
25 0 123456 -289765 7 |
Illegal: |
123,456 25.0 014765 |
Numbers including decimal points. |
0.5 |
-2.67 |
0.00123 |
2. |
.6 |
Digits before and after the decimal
point are preferred. |
Exponential Notation
Can be used to represent doubles. |
0.5e+3 |
0.5e-3 |
-0.5E3 |
5e4 |
2.0E-27 |
The e can be upper or lower case. |
The mantissa need not contain a decimal
point. |
Character literals
Single characters between apostrophes
(single quotes). |
A a 2 ; |
3 characters not represented by
themselves: |
-> \ (apostrophe) |
-> \ (quotation mark) |
\ -> \\ (backslash) |
Only 2 possible literals: |
true (Not TRUE or True) |
false |
General lexical rules
Files are made up of tokens --
identifiers, keywords, literals, and punctuation marks. |
Spaces and line ends are somewhat
arbitrary. |
Spaces are required between words: |
Wrong: publicclass Student |
General lexical rules
Spaces are not required, but are
permitted, around punctuation. |
All correct examples: |
public class Student{ |
public class Student { |
a+b |
a + b |
Extra spaces and line endings are
allowed. |
public class Student { |
General lexical practices
Be consistent in spacing and line
endings to make your programs as readable as possible. |
Explanatory remarks are included in a
program for the benefit of a human reader, and are ignored by the compiler. |
Use // to treat the rest of the line as
a comment. |
Use /* and */ to begin and end a
section of comments. |
/* This is a comment */ |
Weve covered
Fundamental structure of a Java
program. |
Packages |
Class definitions and compilation units |
Instances of classes |
Lexical structure |
Identifiers |
Literals |
Comments |
Glossary (cont.)