Data abstraction: |
introductory concepts |
How to build components of a software system. |
Foundational notions of value/type and object/class. |
Java primitives. |
Reference values. |
value: a fundamental pieces of information that
can be manipulated in a program. |
type: a set of related values along with the
operations that can be performed with them. |
2 kinds of values: |
simple (atomic): integers, characters |
composite: date(day, month, year),
string(several characters) |
Values are abstractions used to model various
aspects of a problem. |
Values grouped together according to how we use
them and what operations we perform on them. |
Example:Integers use +,-,<,>, etc. |
Built-in types. |
Java primitives: byte, short, int, long, float,
double, char, and boolean. |
Java has no built-in composite primitives. |
Integers: |
byte (1 byte) |
short (2 bytes) |
int (4 bytes) |
long (8 bytes) |
Used for counting (whole numbers). |
Floating point: |
float (4 bytes) |
double (8 bytes) |
Used to represent things we measure (anything
with a decimal point). |
The computer’s representation may not be exact. |
char includes upper case and lower case letters,
digits, punctuation marks, and other special characters. |
Characters contained in the Unicode character
set. |
Used for input/output. |
Only 2 values: true or false. |
The fundamental abstractions from which we build
software systems. |
Designed to support the functionality of the
system. |
Responsible for performing specific tasks. |
Furnish relevant information about what the
object represents. |
properties: characteristics about which the
object provides information. |
Each property has an associated value. |
queries: requests for information concerning
properties. |
The values of properties can change at any time. |
state: the set of an object’s properties and
associated values at any given time. |
Commands instruct the object to perform some
action which often results in the object changing state. |
At any given time, a particular value is
associated with each property of an object. |
What are the objects? |
What features should these objects have? |
What must an object know? |
The properties of the entity the object is
modeling, and |
About other objects with which it needs to
cooperate. |
What must an object do? |
Compute particular values. |
Perform actions that modify state. |
Create and initialize other objects. |
Control and coordinate the activities of other
objects. |
Asking what an object knows: object queries. |
Asking what an object does: object commands and queries. |
Queries: |
How many tickets have we sold? |
How many tickets are left? |
Properties: |
Next ticket number |
Tickets left |
Queries: |
Where is a certain piece? |
What color is a player’s pieces? |
Is a player in check? |
Properties: |
Player’s color |
Piece’s position |
Commands: |
Move a piece? |
Change whose turn it is? |
An object is an instance of a class. |
A class specifies the features of a group of
similar objects. |
Two objects from the same class will have the
same set of queries and commands, but usually contain different values. |
A relation associates two or more objects in a
specific, well defined way. |
Relations define how objects interact to solve a
problem. |
An object’s property can be a reference to
another object. |
A value that denotes an object |
null reference: refers to no object. |
Introduction of fundamental notions of values
and objects. |
Java provides: |
Integer types (byte, short, int, long) |
Real or floating type (float, double) |
Character type ( char) |
Boolean type (boolean--true/false) |