Assignment 6

CS 133u
100 POINTS + (50 extra)

DUE announced in class

Purpose: To create a small database using structures.

Problem: To create a small database using structures where the user will enter 10 different names/addresses and birthday dates then print the result back on the screen . If you find out how to save/retrieve the entries in a file so that when you start the program you will not have to enter those values again, there is an extra 50 pts for you. For the extra points you will add an extra option such as 2 - open existing database file. Then if the use chooses Display list, the previous entered data will be displayed.

Note: on option 1. Ask if the user wants to add another address after each entry. So, it will not be necessary to enter all 10 addresses, the user can quit at the 4th entry, for instance.

Here is what the program might look like:


Welcome to my friend's Database
You can enter up to 10 people on this database)

Please make your selection:

1. Make entries to the Database

2. Display list

3. Exit




Welcome to my friend's Database
You can enter up to 10 people on this database)

You chose to enter data:

Friend 1

What is your friend's name: Bob Jones
What is your friend's address: 3434 first ave
What is your friend's ZIP: 97228
What is your friend's city: Portland
What is your friend's state: Oregon
When if your friend's birthday: 12/3/76

Would you like to add another address?


Friend 2

What is your friend's name: Marie Jones
What is your friend's address: 3433 first ave
What is your friend's ZIP: 97234
What is your friend's city: Portland
What is your friend's state: Oregon
When if your friend's birthday: 1/2/70

... finish with the others and go back to the menu ...







Welcome to my friend's Database

You chose to view the data:

Friend 1

Bob Jones
3434 first ave

Friend 2

Marie Jones
3433 first ave

... finish with the list  and go back to the menu ... the ideal would be stopping the list at each screen full ...




Please submit:

1. Hard Copy of your source code with a sample run of your program. Please make sure to document your program.

2. Email the source code with the subject CS133u - Your name - Assignment 6.