DataApi | Exposes an API for components to read or write DataItem s and Asset s. |
DataApi.DataItemResult | Contains a single data item. |
DataApi.DataListener | Used with addListener(GoogleApiClient, DataApi.DataListener) to receive data events. |
DataApi.DeleteDataItemsResult | Contains the number of deleted items. |
DataApi.GetFdForAssetResult | Contains a file descriptor for the requested asset. |
DataEvent | Data interface for data events. |
DataItem | The base object of data stored in the Android Wear network. |
DataItemAsset | A reference to an asset stored in a data item. |
MessageApi | Exposes an API for components to send messages to other nodes. |
MessageApi.MessageListener | Used with addListener(GoogleApiClient, MessageApi.MessageListener) to receive message events. |
MessageApi.SendMessageResult | Contains the request id assigned to the message. |
MessageEvent | Information about a message received by a listener. |
Node | Information about a particular node in the Android Wear network. |
NodeApi | Exposes an API for to learn about local or connected Nodes. |
NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult | Contains a list of connected nodes. |
NodeApi.GetLocalNodeResult | Contains the name and id that represents this device. |
NodeApi.NodeListener | Used with addListener(GoogleApiClient, NodeApi.NodeListener) to receive node events. |
Asset | An asset is a binary blob shared between data items that is replicated across the wearable network on demand. |
DataEventBuffer | Data structure holding references to a set of events. |
DataItemBuffer | Data structure holding reference to a set of DataItem s. |
DataMap | A map of data supported by PutDataMapRequest and DataMapItem s. |
DataMapItem | Creates a new dataItem-like object containing structured and serializable data. |
PutDataMapRequest | PutDataMapRequest is a DataMap-aware version of PutDataRequest . |
PutDataRequest | PutDataRequest is used to create new data items in the Android Wear network. |
Wearable | An API for the Android Wear platform. |
Wearable.WearableOptions | API configuration parameters for Wearable API. |
Wearable.WearableOptions.Builder | |
WearableListenerService | Receives events from other nodes, such as data changes, messages or connectivity events. |
WearableStatusCodes | Error codes for wearable API failures. |