ExceptionParser | This interface is responsible for parsing a Throwable and providing
a short, meaningful description to report to Google Analytics. |
Logger | Interface to be used for logging debug and informational messages from the SDK. |
CampaignTrackingReceiver | The Google Play com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER Intent is broadcast when an
app is installed from the Google Play Store and has campaign data available (i.e. |
CampaignTrackingService | IntentService for handling the Google Play Store's INSTALL_REFERRER intent. |
ExceptionReporter | Used to catch any uncaught exceptions and report them to Google Analytics. |
GoogleAnalytics | This class is a singleton that provides methods for controlling global configuration
and creating Tracker objects. |
HitBuilders | Helper class to build a map of hit parameters and values. |
HitBuilders.AppViewBuilder | This class is deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favor of the new ScreenViewBuilder class. The two classes are semantically similar but the latter is consistent across all the Google Analytics platforms. |
HitBuilders.EventBuilder | A Builder object to build event hits. |
HitBuilders.ExceptionBuilder | Exception builder allows you to measure the number and type of caught and uncaught crashes and exceptions that occur in your app. |
HitBuilders.HitBuilder<T extends HitBuilder> | Internal class to provide common builder class methods. |
HitBuilders.ItemBuilder | This class is deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favor of a richer set of APIs on all the HitBuilder classes. With the new approach, simply use addProduct, addImpression, addPromo and setAction to add ecommerce data to any of the hits. |
HitBuilders.ScreenViewBuilder | Class to build a screen view hit. |
HitBuilders.SocialBuilder | A Builder object to build social event hits. |
HitBuilders.TimingBuilder | Hit builder used to collect timing related data. |
HitBuilders.TransactionBuilder | This class is deprecated. This class has been deprecated in favor of a richer set of APIs on all the HitBuilder classes. With the new approach, simply use addProduct, addImpression, addPromo and setAction to add ecommerce data to any of the hits. |
Logger.LogLevel | Log level settings. |
StandardExceptionParser | This class will capture the root cause (last in a chain of causes) Throwable and report the exception type, class name, method name and thread
name. |
Tracker | Class to send tracking hits to Google Analytics. |