The (In)Accessibility of Publisher Content

Accessibility is required for all online course content, including materials and applications that are linked to on other websites, including publisher websites. ADA standards require that for all inaccessible content, instructors must also provide accessible content that is equally effective, equally integrated and that has substantially equivalent ease of use. (This should either be in place or be ready to put in place immediately).

While Disability Services can make sure a publisher's textbook is accessible for a student, they cannot ensure that the publisher's online materials are accessible.

  1. Here are some initial questions to ask your publisher representative about online materials:
    1. Are the videos captioned?
    2. Can a student complete all assignments with a keyboard only (without using a mouse)?
    3. Do all of the images have alternative text descriptions? (Both online and in any materials supplied to you, such as PowerPoints)
    4. Do they use Flash? (Flash is usually inaccessible.)
  2. Contact Karen Sorensen, Accessibility Advocate for Online Courses to help verify the accessibility of the publisher's platform.
  3. If your publisher's product VPAT is not in the collection of VPATs on Spaces yet, Karen will make a request for it.
  4. Questions regarding the VPAT will be sent to the publishing representative and if known, the publisher's accessibility manager.
  5. When answers have been received, end user testing will be scheduled if requested by the instructor.

More information is available on the accessiblity of publishers used in CAS, CIS and CS.

Accessibility Survival Guide for Instructors, © 2014 by their respective authors, Marc Goodman, Gayathri Iyer, Supada Amornchat, Karen Sorensen, and Susan Watson