Welcome to my site! This is the page where you can learn all about me, what I like, dislike, my personality, etc.


First things first. I was born and raised in Oregon, lived in the same town since I was 2. I have 2 sisters, both younger than me. I attended a Christian private school for most of my elementary and middle school years. Starting partway through 8th grade I began homeschooling, and graduated from homeschool in 2009.

After I graduated high school, I took a year and went to a Bible school near Augusta, Montana. This school is a tiny school tucked away inside the Rocky Mountains. I learned a lot that year and finished the program in 2010. In January 2012, I began attending Portland Community College (PCC). My degree goal is my AAs degree as an Administrative Office Professional and as of May 2013, I am more than halfway to completion.

Likes and Dislikes

I think of myself as a very unique person. My two main hobbies have almost nothing to do with each other (however, I have successfully combined the two several times). One of them is knitting. I love to crochet also, but I usually prefer to knit. The other is playing computer games. I've been doing both all through my childhood, and I know that I will continue them for as long as I can. I also like many other crafts (e.g. sewing, cross-stitching), drawing, watching TV/movies, and reading.

As far as my interests/preferences are concerned, I much prefer action, sci-fi/fantasy, nerdy/geeky stuff over most other girly things like romance, dresses, etc. Some of my favorite shows are:

And my favorite movies include:


Click the link below to download a copy of my resume (Word 2010 format). You will find a list of all the places I have worked in the past, a list of my skills, and other career-related skills and experience I have.

Download link

Allison Isaac