After completing all the exercises and project parts, create an index.html file directly under your site root to be uploaded directly under your username folder on the SWS that links to the various chapter exercises and your individual project, based on the following instructions.
- Open the index.html page and give it a title of "Table of Contents | Your Name" (no quotes and where Your Name is your actual name)
- Put a Header 1 (h1) as the first line with the text "Welcome to my Web site!" (no quotes).
- Put a regular paragraph (p tag) under the h1 with your byline -- "by Your Name" (no quotes and where Your Name is your actual name).
- Put a Header 2 (h2) under your byline with the text "Table of Contents" (no quotes).
- Create a numbered list (ordered list or ol tag) under the h2:
- Cafe Soylent Green (link to the Textbook Tutorials)
- Oregon Film Festival (On-Your-Own assignments, oregonoff folder)
- Each of the Calisthenics (Calisthenics 1 through 4 assignments, calisthenics folder)
- Spiffy Autos (Project 1 through 3 assignments, spiffy folder - index.html)
- Your Site (Final Project assignment, finalsite folder - index.html)
- Link all the list above to the index pages from each folders. You can create a sublist to each of the assignments, if necessary.
- Create a regular paragraph (p tag) under the ol with the text "Your Name © 20xx" (no quotes, replace Your Name with your actual name, and replace xx with the current year).
- Save the file - index.html and make sure it is uploaded directly under your username folder on SWS.
- Send your instructor an email message using D2L email confirming the upload. It should include a subject like: CAS 111D ToC Uploaded Jane Doe.
Instructor Note:
Be sure to use a browser (or more than one browser) to check your Web pages (or document) is on the SWS.