Portland Community College

Russian Internet Links
This web page was created to provide supplemental web-links for each chapter of our textbook Poidyom.  You'll also find links for the language lab activities we will be doing during class. I hope you have as much fun using them, as I did finding them.

Russian Internet Links
This web page was created to provide supplemental web-links for each chapter of our textbook Poidyom.  You'll also find links for the language lab activities we will be doing during class. I hope you have as much fun using them, as I did finding them.

Chapter 1
Chapter 6 Chapter 11
Chapter 2 Chapter 7
Chapter 12
Chapter 3 Chapter 8
Bonus (food)
Chapter 4 Chapter 9
Summary / Review
Chapter 5 Chapter 10

Vocabulary review:
-Review basic vocabulary (492 words) with this exercise by George Mitrevski of Auburn University.
-Review first year vocabulary from Russian to English with these exercises by George Mitrevski. Exercise 1,
Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise 4, Exercise 5, Exercise 6, Exercise 7, Exercise 8, Exercise 9, Exercise 10, Exercise 11, Exercise 12, Exercise 13, Exercise 14Exercise 15, Exercise16Exercise 17, Exercise 18, Exercise 19, Exercise 20, Exercise 21, Exercise 22, Exercise 23, Exercise 24, Exercise 25, Exercise 26, Exercise 27.

-Review first year vocabulary from English to Russian with these exercises by George Mitrevski. Exercise 1, Exercise 2, Exercise 3, Exercise 4, Exercise 5, Exercise 6, Exercise 7, Exercise 8, Exercise 9, Exercise 10, Exercise 11, Exercise 12, Exercise 13, Exercise 14Exercise 15, Exercise16Exercise 17, Exercise 18, Exercise 19, Exercise 20, Exercise 21, Exercise 22, Exercise 23, Exercise 24, Exercise 25, Exercise 26, Exercise 27, Exercise 28, Exercise 29, Exercise 30.

-Feeling rusty after the summer? Review some basic vocabulary (492 words) with this exercise by George Mitrevski.

Chapter 1
Dative case impersonal expressions:
-Practice the dative case with impersonal expressions with this exercise on "Beginner's Russian."

Present tense verb conjugation:
-Practice conjugating хотеть, уметь, мочь with this exercise.
-Here's a video with conjugation and examples of хотеть.
-Oral drills on the verb хотеть from "Troika" and "Golosa."

-Flashcards for reviewing infinitive verbs.
-Flashcards for free time activity verbs.
-Flashcards for conjugating free time activity verbs.

-Review conjugating verbs in the present tense with this exercise by Al Stoner.
-Oral drill on past and present tense verbs from "Golosa."

Free time activity verbs:
-Oral drill on conjugating "проводить" свободное время from "Golosa."

-Oral drill on заниматься спортом from "Golosa."
-Pronunciation practice with these dialogues from "Golosa." Dialogue 3. Dialogue 4.
-Listen to this dialogue on free time activities from "Beginner's Russian."
-Listen to this ad for a health club from "Golosa."

-Watch this video on what people plan to do over the weekend.
-Watch this video on what people like to do in the summer.
-Watch this interview video from "Тройка" about free time activities.
-Listen to a teenage girl talk about what she likes to do in her free time. Here's another girl.
-Listen to Lyusya talk about what she does in her free time. Now listen to Eleanora.
-Listen to how Valerii spent his Sunday.
-Listen to Irina and Dima talk about what they did over the weekend.
-Learn about t.v. and movies in Russian in this video from chapter 5, Golosa, book 2.
-What do Russians like to read? Find out in this video from chapter 6, Golosa, book 2.
-Watch this video of Ernie enjoying a book.
-Watch this video of Ernie and Bert fishing.
-Watch this video on facts about what hobbies Russian enjoy.
-Watch this video on sports in Moscow and how people feel about them.
-What do these Russian like to do in their free time. Watch the video from chapter 7, "Golosa, "book 2 .

Formation of adverbs:

-Practice forming adverbs with this exercise on "Beginner's Russian."
-Decide whether you need an adjective or an adverb with this exercise on "Beginner's Russian."

Review of nominative plural formation from "V Puti."

Other vocabulary:
-Flashcards for high frequency vocabulary from ch. 1.

-Here's Наутилус Помпилиус's song "Я хочу быть с тобой,"
-Listen to ДДТ's song "Я получил эту роль,"
-Listen to Земфира's songs "Хочешь," "Ненавижу," that both include new verbs from this chapter.
-Александр Розенбаум's song "Вальс Бостон" is filled with present and past tense verbs.
-Kino sings of the fun they had one night in "Видели ночь."

Cultural stuff:
-Find out what Russian kids do at summer camp.
-Learn more about
the dacha and it's role in Russians' lives.
-Read the
movie listings for Russian theaters.

Videos to watch in class:
-What does активный отдых mean to Russian?  Video.
-Watch this video from ch. 9 "Troika" textbook on what people like to do in their free time.

Chapter 2
Aspect and verb pairs:
-Flashcards for verb pairs.

-Practice learning a few of the verb pairs with this exercise from George Mitrevski.
-Here's a verb pair exercise from George Mitrevski.

Imperfective and perfective verbs in past tense:
-Practice stating that an action is finished using the perfective past tense.
-Chose the correct verb in the past tense.
-Here's another verb choice activity from "V Puti."
-Oral drills on perfective past from "Golosa" and "Troika". Drill 3.

Accusative case for direct objects:
-Flashcards for new verbs that take the accusative caese.
-Review adjectives endings in the accusative case. (by George Mitrevski).
-Practice the new verbs and the accusative case.

-Flashcards for the accusative case endings.
-Oral drill on accusative case animate from "Golosa."

Cultural stuff:
-Watch this film strip of the story Косточка.
-Read the original fable Свинья под дубом in verse.

-Listen to Земфира's songs "Искала," and "Ждать," that both include new verbs from this chapter.

Reading texts:
-Listen to the audio version of "Тайное становится явным."

-Here are more of the Dennis tales by Виктор Драгунский in their Russian originals.

Chapter 3

Animal vocabulary:
-I don't think you could make a more boring animal video, but hey, it might teach you some new words.
-Flashcards for animal vocabulary.
-Here's video to help you learn farm animals.
-Play this animal sounds game at Солнышко and practice your animal vocabulary.
-Here's a children's page about animals.
-Here's a matching exericse with some of the animal vocabulary.
-Here's a picture matching exercise with animals by R. Lloyd.

-What animals do they have at the Moscow zoo?
-Flashcards for adjectives to describe animals.
-Listen to Владимир Высоцкий's song "Что случилось в Африке."
-You might need to watch this video of "Sesame Street's" The Count counting animals.

Accusative singular and plural for animate nouns:

-Here's an exercise on the accusative case for animate and inanimate nouns. (by George Mitrevski)
-Flashcards for irregular animate accusative plurals.
-Practice irregular forms of animate accusative plural.
-Review when to use adjectives versus adverbs. (by George Mitrevski)
-Oral drill on accusative plural from "Golosa."

Dative case for indirect objects:
-Review the dative case for indirect objects with this activity from George Mitrevski.
-Practice your dative case endings with this exercise from "V Puti."
-Flashcards for the dative case endings.

Reading texts:
-Watch the entire cartoon "Трое из Простоквашино."
-Here's the entire text to "Дядя Фёдор, пёс и кот."

-Learn more about the children's writer Едуард Успанский
-Watch the cartoon "Доктор Айболит."
-A film strip of "Доктор Айболит."
-Read the entire text of "Доктор Айболит."
-Watch a video of Chukovski's poem "Телефон."
-Learn more about Корней Чуковский, the Russian Dr. Seuss

Language lab activity to be done as a class:
-Go to the Moscow Zoo and see the animals.

Chapter 4
House and furniture vocabulary:
-This picture dictionary features vocabulary and correct pronunciation for the kitchen, bedroom, den, and bathroom.
-Here's a video to help you learn furniture
-Flashcards for room and furniture vocabulary.
-Here's an exercise with the vocabulary for rooms in a house/apartment.
-Here's an exercise with kitchen vocabulary from "Having Fun with Russian" telling about items and featuring audio recording.
-Oral drill on rooms in house from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on такой/такая/такое/такие же from "Golosa."
-Here you'll find four riddle poems about furniture.
-Listen to Eleanora talk about the communal apartment where her friend lives.
-Listen to Eleanora talk about the room she rents.
-Listen to people talk about where they live. Track 1, track 2, track 3, track 4

-Listen to Dasha talk about her dacha.
-Here's a video with two cartoon characters discussing an apartment.
-More listening comprehension on apartments. Track 1, track 2, track 3
-Listen to people inquire about renting apartments. Track 1, track 2, track 3.

Adjective vocabulary:
-Flashcards for colors and common adjectives.
-More flashcards with adjectives.
-Here are two simple translation exercises by George Mitrevski. Exercise 2 here.

Prepositional case adjectives:
-Review use of в or на with the prepositional case. (from В пути.)
-Flashcards for prepositional case adjective endings.
-Practice prepositional case nouns and adjectives with this exercise from "V Puti."
-Practice endings for adjectives in the prepositional case with this exercise. (by Svetlana Clark)
-Here's an exercise to practice possessive adjectives in the prepositional case. (by George Mitrevski)
-Get more practice with adjectives in the prepositional case with these four exercises by George Mitrevski. Exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3, exercise 4.
-Аквариум's song "Сидя на красивом холме" contains some adjectives in the prepositional case.
-More prepositional case adjectives in Секрет's "Моя любовь на пятом этаже," (Secret was the Soviet Union's answer to the Beatles and Monkey's all in one!)

Genitive case adjectives:
-Flashcards for the genitive singular adjective endings.
-You'll never forget the genitive case endings for nouns and adjectives after slugging through this exercise by George Mitrevski.
-Practice adjectives ending in the gentive case with this exercise from George Mitrevski.
-Oral drill on genitive case from "Golosa." Drill 3. Drill 4.

Genitive plural formation:
-Flashcards for irregular genitive plural nouns.
-75 nouns to put in the genitive plural! Can you think of anything more fun? (by George Mitrevski.)
-Not tired yet? Practice the genitive plural with another exercise from "V Puti."
-Practice irregular genitive plurals with this exercise from "V Puti."
-Oral drills on genitive plural from "Golosa." Drill 3. Drill 4. Drill 5. Drill 6. Drill 7. Drill 8.
-Listen to people talk about where they live and use lots of много + genitive plural. Track 1, track 2, track 3.
-Listening to Sekret's song
"Tысяча пластинок" for a rock and roll dose of the genitive plural!

Nouns and numbers:
-Review what you know from first year about nouns and numbers. (by Goerge Mitrevski.)
-Oral drill on numbers and nouns from "Golosa."

Prepositions of placement:
-Flashcards for prepositions of location.

-Here's an activity practicing the prepositions of placement that require the instrumental case from "V Puti."
-Oral drill on рядом с from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on спава от/слева от from "Golosa."
-Watch this cartoon video demonstrating the instrumental case prepositions of placement.

Other vocabulary and stuff:
-Flashcards for other high frequency vocabulary from chapter 3.
-Listen to Dima talk about living in the country.

Reading texts:
-Learn more about Arkadii Averchеnko.
-Here is the original text for "Сентиментальный роман."

Videos to watch in class:
-Watch this interview video from "Тройка" about where it's better to live.
-Watch this video about where people live from "Troika".

Activity to do as class in language lab:
-Rent an apartment in St. Petersburg.

Watch this video as part of your homework:
-Watch this video from Book 1, chapter 6 of "Golosa" as part of your homework.

Chapter 5
Clothes vocabulary:
-This picture dictionary features men's clothing and women's clothing alon
g with correct pronunciation.

-Flashcards for clothing vocabulary.
-Here's a video that goes over stating what someone is wearing using the prepositional case of colors and clothes.

Body part vocabulary:
-Flashcards for the body part vocabulary.
-This picture dictionary features parts of body with correct pronunciation. In case you need more, here's part II.
-Here's a video to help you learn body parts.
-Listen to  the song "Моё сердце," by Сплин.
-Listen to Кино's
"В наших глазах,"
-Watch Grover the traveling salesman try to sell glasses to Kermit who has no nose or ears.
-Watch Grover at the doctor.

Physical appearance:
-Flashcards for physical appearance vocabulary.
-Practice stating resemblance with this exercise from "Golosa. "
-Listen to descriptions of what people look like from "V Puti." Track 1, track 2, track 3, track 4.

-Oral drill on physical appearance vocabulary from "Troika."
-Oral drill on похож/похожа на from "Golosa" and 'Troika".
-Listen to this radio ad for a love match service from "Golosa."
-Get some pronunciation practice with this dialogue from "Golosa."

Other vocabulary:
-Flashcards for other high frequency vocabulary from chapter 5.

Reading texts:
-The Чебурашка page offers the full text of the classic children's book "Cheburashka i ego druzya", profiles about the characters, 
Cheburashka jokes, songs from the cartoons, and even pictures.
-Watch the entire cartoon "Cheburashka i krokodil Gena."
-Learn more about Sergei Dovlatov.

Language lab activities to be completed as a class:
-Can you find a love match for Galya?

Chapter 6
Imperfective/perfective verb pairs:
-Flashcards for imperfective/perfective verb pairs.

-Here's another verb pair exericse from George Mitrevski.

Aspect choice in the past tense:

-Listen to this retelling of Goldilock's and The Three Bears in Russian and note use of aspect.
-Oral drills on perfective past from "Golosa."

Formation of the perfective future:
-Practice forming the imperfective and perfective future of common verbs.
-This exercise from George Mitrevski will give you a workout in forming the perfective future. 97 verbs to conjugate!!

-Here is another perfective future verb drill from George Mitrevski.
-More perfective future anyone? (by George Mitrevski. )
-Oral drill on perfective future from "Golosa."
-Oral drills on perfective versus imperfective future "Golosa."

Aspect choice in the future tense:

-Practice forming and choosing the imperfective and perfective future with this exercise from George Mitrevski.
-Oral drills on perfective future from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on дать from "Golosa."

Other vocabulary:
-Flashcards for high frequency vocabulary from ch. 2.

Reading texts
-Here's the classic Soviet film "Морозко.
" And here's "Mystery Science Theater 3000" mocking the film.
-Read the original text for "Морозко."
-Watch the cartoon version of "Колобок. "
-Watch a cartoon of "Снегурочка."

-Чиж & Co's song "О любви,"has some pretty good uses of the perfective future in it.
-Listen to Александр Розенбаум's song, "Я не верю."

Chapter 7
Daily activity verbs:
-Flashcards for daily activity verbs.

-Watch this video interview and see which daily chores Russians don't like.
-Listen to Natasha talk about the banya.
-Watch this clip from "Улица Сезам" about what a muppet forgot to do in the morning.

-Listen to Владимир Высоцкий's classic song "Утренная гимнастика."

Dative case:
-Oral drill on надо/нужно + dative case from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on должен/должна from "Golosa."

Telling time:
-Flashcards for ordinal numbers 1st-12th.
-Oral drills on time from "Golosa." Drill 3. Drill 4.
-Here's an exercise with telling time that features audio.

Other vocabulary and stuff:
-Flashcards for other high frequency vocabulary from chapter 6.

Reading texts:
-Here is the full text of "Неделя как неделя".
-Learn more about Natalya Baranskaya.

Language lab activities to be completed as a class:
-We will watch this video from chapter 5, "Golosa, " book 1 together in the language lab.

Chapter 8

Days, months and time expressions:
-Review the days of the week and months with this exercise from George Mitrevski.
-Flashcards for days and time expressions.
-Here's a children's poem about each month of the year.
-Listen to the song "Апрель" by
Смысловые галлюцинации.

Stating dates:
-Flashcards for ordinal numbers 15th-2000th.
-Practice ordinal numbers with this activity.
-Listen to and repeat the ordinal numbers for 11th-20th from "V Puti."
-Listen to and repeat the ordinal numbers for 21st-101st from "V Puti."
-Practice stating dates with this exercise from
George Mitrevski.
-Here's another exercise with stating dates.
-Listen to this woman stating people's birthdays.
-Practice stating full dates with this exercise from
George Mitrevski.
-Oral drill on stating dates from "Golosa." and "Troika. Drill 3.

Stating years:
-Listen to the years when people were born and died. Track 1, track 2.
-Listen to the years when Moscow buildings were built.
-Oral pronunciation drill on stating years from "Troika." Drill 3.
-Oral drills on years from "Golosa."

Russian history:
-Learn more about
Russian history from ancient to Soviet times at this site.
-Listen to Yulia talk about why Putin was reelected.

-Listen to Mila discuss Putin's third term.
-Listen to Vasiliy and Zhenya talk about Stalin's popularity. Part II.  Part III.

-Listen to and repeat the names of Russian holidays.
-Oral drill on holiday greetings from "Troika."

-Watch this "Улица Сезам" video about a birthday.
-Listen to people talk about their favorite holidays from "V Puti." One more track.
-Listen to this teenager talk about how she celebrates her birthday.
-Listen to Lyusya discuss how Women's Day is celebrated.
-Listen to Tonya talk about how she celebrates New Years. More here.
-Listen to Yulia talk about how Easter is celebrated.
-Listen to Irina talk about how Maslenitsa is celebrated.
-Listen to Ira talk about how she celebrated a birthday.
-Listen to Nastya tell about how her family celebrates New Years.

-Read more about Russian holidays on Russian Wikipedia.
-It wouldn't be New Year's without Дискотека Авария song "Новый год." I've never been to a New Year's party where it wasn't played!
-Read all about Ded Moroz on Russian Wikipedia.

Marriage, weddings and other life events:
-Flashcards for life event verbs.
-Listen to this woman talk about life events from "V Puti."
-Listen to Чиж & Co.'s song
"Она не вышла замуж."
-Oral drill on graduating from "Golosa."
-Get some pronunciation practice with these dialogues from "Golosa."

Other vocabulary:
-Flashcards for other high frequency vocabulary from chapter 7.

Reading texts:
-Here's the full text of "Метель".
-Read more about Aleksandr Pushkin.

Cultural stuff:
-Read your
horoscope in Russian.
-Watch this video interview on how often Russians read their horoscope.
-Re-watch "Винни Пух и день забот"  on Youtube.

Language lab activities to be completed as a class:
-We will watch this video from chapter 10, "Golosa," book 1 together in the language lab.
-Video interview on what people plan to do over May holidays.
-Watch this video from "Troika" on people's favorite holidays.

Chapter 9

Review material for places in city, transportation vocabulary:
-Review transportation vocabulary with this picture dictionary.
-Flashcards for places and whether they take в or на.
-Oral drill on transportation from "Golosa."
-In case you're not sure how to act on public transportation or the metro, here are two etiquette lessons for Russian kids.

-Practice the accusative case for expressing destination with this exercise from
В пути.
-Give yourself a headache practicing Куда/где/откуда for places with this exercise from
В пути.
-Practice contrasting куда, где and откуда with these exercises on "V Puti."
-Oral drill on stating destinations from "Golosa." Drill 3.
-Oral drill on location versus destination from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on origin versus destination from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on asking questions где, куда, откуда.

Verbs of motion:
-Flashcards for verbs of motion.
-Practice forming present, past and future tenses of verbs of motion  from  "V Puti."

-Lots 'o verbs of motion. Exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3, exercise 4, exercise 5.
-Practice choosing the correct verb of motion with this exercise from "V Puti."
-Oral drills on ходить from "Troika."
-Oral drill on ездить from "Golosa" and "Troika". Drill 3.
-Oral pronunciation drill on пойти/поехать from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on пойти.
-Oral drill on verbs of motion from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on verbs of motion in invitations from "Golosa."
-Oral drill on ездить versus пойти from "Golosa."
-Listen to these people talk about how they get to work from "V Puti."
-Listen to this child talk about her excursion.
-Listen to Vasilii talk about Moscow traffic jams.

-Listen to this dialogue in the airport from "Golosa."
-Listen Eleanora talk about where she has travelled.
-Listen to Irina and Zhenya talking about where they have travelled.
-Listen to Sasha talk about his travels.
-Listen to Yura and Dima discuss where to travel in Russia.
-Listen to Sasha talk about where to vacation.
-Listen to Anna discuss her travels.
-Listen to these people talk about their vacation preferences from "V Puti." Track 1, track 2, track 3.
-Listen to this itinerary for a trip to Lake Baikal.
-Need a hotel in Russia? Learn all about them in this video from chapter 4, Golosa, book 2.

Other vocabulary:
-Flashcards for other high frequency vocabulary from chapter 8.

-Listen to Машина времени's classic song
"Разговор в поезде."
-Listen to Kino's song "Троллейбус."
-Кино also brings us "Мои друзья всегда идут,"

-Here's a song called "Домой" by Чиж и Co.

Language lab activities to be completed as a class:
-Where do you want to go on vacation?

-We will watch this video about public transportation from chapter 3, "Golosa," book 2 together in the language lab.
-Watch these video interviews on what people did over summer vacation and New Years vacation.
-Watch this video on a trip to St. Petersburg from "Troika".

Chapter 10
Conjugating prefixed verbs of motion:
-Flashcards for prefixed verbs of motion.
-More flashcards for prefixed verbs of motion.
-Oral drill on прийти.
-Oral drill on прийти and уйти.

Aspect with prefixed verbs of motion:
-Practice aspect with prefixed verbs of motion with this exercise from "В пути."

Prefix choice:
-Practice choosing the correct prefix with thеse exercises from "В пути." Exercise 3. Exercise 4.
-Flashcards for prepositions and their cases.
-Oral drill with prefixed verb of motion from "Golosa."
-Listen to Tatiana describe how she goes to work each day.

-Listen to Sergei and Tatiana Nikitin's beautiful song
"Переведи меня через майдан."
-Watch the cartoon featuring a dialogue using prefixed verbs of motion.

Relative pronoun который:
-Practice using the relative pronoun который with these two exercises.
-Oral drills on который. Drill 3.

Cultural stuff:
-Rewatch "Винни Пух идёт в гости."

Chapter 11

Comparative adjectives:
-Flashcards for irregular comparative adjectives.
-Practice forming comparative adjectives with these exercises from "V Puti."
-Here are three exercises with comparative adjectives. Exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3.
-Do another activity with comparative adjectives by George Mitrevski.

-Need another activity on comparative adjectives?
-Oral drill on comparative adjectives from "Golosa." Drill 3. Drill 4. Drill 5. Drill 6. Drill 7.
-Watch this cartoon video on forming and using comparative adjectives.

Imperative verbs:
-Drill the imperative forms of verbs with this exercise from George Mitrevski.
-Practice forming imperatives with this exercise from В пути.  
-Here are three more exercises for practicing imperative verbs. Exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3.

-Oral drills on imperative verbs from "Golosa." Drill 3. Drill 4.

-Listen to Mila talk about superstitions.

-Listen to Кино's song
"Закрой за мной дверь," for some imperatives.

Cultural stuff:
-View Russian art by major artists on Olga's Gallery. (Best Russian art site available!)
-Watch this cartoon on Russian superstitions.

Chapter 12

Professions vocabulary:
-Here's a picture dictionary with a few professions.
-Flashcards for professions vocabulary.
-Oral drill on professions from "Troika." Drill 3.
-Get some prounciation practice with this dialogue from "Golosa."
-Listen to this couple discussing career prospects and plans from "Golosa."
-Here are some children's poems about professions.
-Listen to Машина времени's satirical song "Солдат"about obligatory service in the Soviet army.
-Listen to this teenage boy talk about his plans for the future. Now a teenage girl talks.
-Listen to Aleksandr talk about his job teaching in Siberia.
-Listen to Aleksandra talk about why she wants to be a sociologist.
-Listen to Lena discuss what she wanted to be when she was little.
-Watch this video with kids saying what they want to become.

The instrumental singular and plural:
-Oral drill on интересоваться from "Troika."

Если бы - Conditional for hypothetical situations:
-Oral drill on hypothetical situations. Drill 3. Drill 4.

-Here's an exercise to practice using чтобы.

Cultural material:
-Watch this video from the children's show Ералаш called "Кем быть"?

Bonus material on food (chapter that used to be in the textbook)
Food vocabulary:
-Flashcards for food vocabulary.
-Here's a picture dictionary for fruits and vegetables with pronunciation.

-Flashcards for food adjectives.
-Here's a video of a children's song about being hungry and eating.
-For the truly curious, here's a picture dictionary with kitchen utensils and appliances.

-Listen to babushka Shura tell how to fix a vinegrete salad.
-Listen to Mila tell how to prepare a delicious desert.
-Oral drill on genitive case and foods from "Troika."
-Listen to these three advertisements for restaurants in Moscow. Ad 1, Ad 2, Ad 3.
-Care for some eggs? Дискотека Авария will cook up some for you with this song.
-Why don't you drink some beer "Пей пиво! " with those eggs. Another chart buster from Дискотека Авария.

-Chiz and Co want some tea. Listen to their song "Хочу чаю."
-Another set of activities on restaurants from the Defense Language Institute.
-Listen to Dima and Dasha discuss where to eat.

-The classic vodka drinking scene from "Осений марафон."
-Watch this ad for the Russian McDonald's Filet O'Fish Рыбка.

Genitive plural and partitive genitive:
-Flashcards for containers/quantitative.
-Practice using "of" with the genitive case by doing this exercise from George Mitrevski. 
-Here's a translation exercise with the genitive case for "of" from George Mitrevski.

-Oral drill on partitive gentive from "Golosa."

-Oral drill on partitive genitive and food prices from "Troika."

-Listen to this recipe for  борщ.

-Listen to these recipes for котлеты and hamburgers.

Other vocabulary:
-Flashcards for other high frequency vocabulary from chapter 4.

Cultural stuff:
-A Russian priest will show you how to make Пирог с рыбой.
-This woman looks like a Russian Rachel Ray. She'll show you how to make Оладьи из кабачка.
-One more video to see how you can make блины at home.
-Tired of cooking? Check out the menus at various
Moscow restaurants.
-Watch this video on eating habits in Russia.
-Watch an interview on what Russians typically eat.

Language lab activities to be completed as a class:
-"What are we going to eat?" is the title of this video from chapter 9, "Golosa," book 1.
-Let's make blini!

Summary/review exercises:
-This site provides a work out in case declension (putting words into different cases.)
-Here's a general case usage quiz from "V Puti,"

Russian music videos:
YouTube offers an huge selection of Russian popular music for your listening and viewing pleasure. Below you'll find some of the most popular groups for different genres of music.

Music videos:

YouTube offers an huge selection of Russian popular music. Below you'll find some of the most popular groups for different genres of music. Happy viewing and listening!

Classic rock:
Aквариум "Город", "Поезд в огне," "Электрический пёс" "Брод," "Десять стрел" "Никита Рязанский" "
Рок-н-рол мёртв " "Серебро господа," "Чай," " "Брат никотин," "500," "Сестра" "Древнерусская тоска," "Аделаида," "Сидя на красивом холме" "Иван чай," "Мальчик Евграф," "Северный цвет," "Нога судьбы," "Танцы на крайне весны," "Великая железнодорожная симфония," "Маша и медведь," "Встань у реки," "25 к 10," "Иванов," "Поколение дворников,"
ДДТ:  "Я получил эту роль," "Родина" "Что нам ветер" "Осень" "Это всё" "Конвеер" "Террорист," "Революция," "Ветер," "Чёрный пёс Петербург" "Рождённые в СССР," "Дождь," "В последнюю осень" "Ленинград," "Метель," "Ночь Людмила," "Небо на земле," "Белая  ночь,"
Кино: "Группа крови," "Перемен, being signed in Russian sign language" "Мама анархия" "Видели ночь,'" "Кукушка," "Следи за собой," "Следи за собой live,"  "Когда твоя девочка больна," "Закрой за мной дверь," "Война," "Спокойная ночь'" "Троллейбус," "Кончится лето," "В наших глазах," "Красно-жёлтые дни," "Каждую ночь," "Это не любовь," "Музыка волн,""Звезда по имени солнца," "Побробуй спеть вместе со мной," "Последний герой," "Апрель," "Песня без слов," "Дальше действовать будем мы," "Легенда," "Пачка сигарет," "Бошетунмай," "Камчатка," "Звезда," "Муравейник," "Мои друзья всегда идут," "Малыш,"
Наутилус Понпилиус: "Гуд бай, Америка," "Я хочу быть с тобой," "Крылья," "Дыхание,"
Машина Времени: "Разговор в поезде" "Костёр" "Марионетка" (circa 1976-dig the lead singers Weird Al hair!), "За тех, кто в море," "Поворот," "Она идёт по жизни смеясь," "Солдат," "Наш дом,"
Секрет: "Привет," "Алиса," "Моя любовь на пятом этаже," "Сара Барабу" "Я люблю буги-вуги," "Именины у Кристины," "Tысяча пластинок" "Она не понимает,"

Alternative/Modern rock:
Земфира: "Искала," "Кукушка,"( Kino cover) "Бесконечность," "СПИД," "Итоги,"
"Аривадерчи," "Траффик," "Хочешь," "Параноя," "Сигареты Земфиры," "Почему," "Прости меня, моя любовь," "Не стреляйте," "Малыш," "Мы разбиваемся," "Ждать," "Ромашки," "До свидания," "Город," "Ненавижу," "Досказано," "Румба," "Маечка," "Непошлое," "Блюз Земфира," "Прогулка," "Самолёт,"
Сплин: "Моё сердце," ""Выхода нет," "Новые люди," "Первый снег," "Моя любовь," "Прочь из моей головы," "Гандбол," "Лабринт," "Пластмассовая жизнь," "Обрит без Сарары," "Романс,"
Би-2 "Полковник," (from film Brat-2) "Варвара," "Зажигать'" "Песок,"
"Дурочка," "Серебро," "Моя любовь," Научи меня быть счастливым," "Песок скозь палцы"
Чиж& Co.: "О любви," "Поезд," "Ерогенная зона," "Вот пуля просветела," "Дверь в лето," "Still life," "Домой," "Она
    не вышла замуж," "Вечная молодость," "Хочу чаю" "Перекрёсток" "Солдат на привале," "Невеста," "Последние деньги," "Полонез," "На двоих,"
"Ту лу ла," "Сама," "Уходя, уходи," "Когда твоя девушка больна" (Kino cover), "Жара," "Просто пою," "Показалось," "Пожарные," "На войне," "Ясно,"
Ночные снайперы: "31ая весна" "Светафоры," "Актриса," "Кошка," "Ты дарила мне розы," "Катастофический," "Куба," "Светофоры," "Сенбернары,"
Танцы минус: "Диктофоны," "Город," "Цветы," "Половинка," "32 капель" "Зачем топтать мою любовь,"
Смысловые галлюцинации: "Вечно молодой," "Первый день осени," "Утро," "Апрель," "Полюса,
Маша и медведи: "Любочка," "Без тебя,"
Кукрыниксы: "Никто," "Звезда," "Знай," "Свадьба,"
АукцЫон: "Дорога," "Еду, еду, еду," "Моя любовь," "Всё вертится," "День победы 1" "Падал," "Птица," "Любовь,"
группа Ленинград: – Warning: Some of these songs contain obscenities. (This group is banned in Moscow.)
"Кислотный DJ" "Музыка для мужика," "Дикий мужчина," "Губoшлёп," "Мальчик" "Яблочко," "Всё это рейв, " "Алкоголик,"
Ежoff Band (Political satire band): "Соединённые штаты Америки," "Патриоты," "Политичестки-Романтичная No 2," "Так и так,"  "Единная Россия партия жуликов и воров,"

Heavy metal/Punk:
Король и шут: "Лесник," "Охотник," "Гробовщик," "Прыгну со скалы," "Кроклатый старый дом," "Ели мясо мужики,"
     "Мётвый анархист," "Северный флот," "Кукла Колдуна," "Хороший пират–мёртвый пират," "Я устал," "Джокер,"
Алиса: "Мы вместе," "Власть'" "Родина," "На пороге неба," "Белая невеста," "Дождь," "На пороге неба,"
"Траса Е95,"
Наив: "Что нам делать," "Мама анархия (Kino cover)," "Селави," "Вася," "Танки панки," "Рок," "Моё сердце не остановилось," "Дурак," "Обытатель," "Суперзвезда,"

Иван Купала: "Кострома," "Пчёлы," "Брови," "Молодость," "Галя," "Росы," "Велик день," "Дятель,"
Дискотека Авария, "Зло," "Новый год," "На острые атаки," "Песня про яйца" "Давай Авария" "Малинки" "Пей пиво!" "Паша Face Control," "Некуда деваться" "Опа," "Лето всегда"
Руки вверх: "Московская тоска," "Крошка моя," "Думала, "Назови его, как меня," "Без любви," "Студент," "Чужие губы"
Тату: "Я сошла с ума," "Нас не догонят," "220," "Покажи мне любовь," "30 минут," "Мальчик гей,"
UG:  "Ещё один день," "Остаюсь таким же," "Ненависть и верность,"
Серёга: "Кукла" "Возле дома твоего," "Чёрный бумер," "Диско малерия," "Кружим,"

Bards/Folk music:
Владимир Высоцкий:   "Я не люблю," "Утренная гимнастика," "Дорогая передача," "Песни о слухах," "Мы вращаем землю," "Спасите наши души," "Что случилось в Африке," "Милицейский протокол," "Охота на волков,"
Булат Окуджава: "Ballad of soldiers' boots"
"Пока земля ещё вертится," "Песенка об Арбате," "О Володе Высоцком," "Песенка о Моцарте," "Последний троллейбус," "Песенка, короткая, как жизнь сама,"
Сергей и Татьяна Никитины: "Переведи меня через майдан," "Бручмулла," "Весеннее танго," "Александра," "Песня шута," "Прощание с Парижем," "Какое небо голубое," "Снег идёт,"
Жанна Бичевская: "Ой, да не вечер," "Чёрный ворон," "Миленький ты мой," "Боже,"
Александр Розенбаум: "Вальс Бостон," "Казачья," "Я не верю." "Налетела грусть," "Вещая судьба,"

Cultural stuff:
-Watch this video featuring the greatest hits of Russian classical music.-Feeling in the mood for some Russian classical music? Watch the Russian "Nutcracker cartoon" here. Here's part II. And part III.
-Watch this video on playing the Russian game городки.
-Watch a cartoon version of "Репка."
-Songs for music sampling in class: "Мама анархия" "Рок-н-рол мёртв" "Искала," "День победы 1" "Мальчик" "Любочка," "Пчёлы,"

If you'd like to buy your own Russian CD's, they're available at (There's a button at the top of the page to change to English. Also I've ordered from this site and have not had any problems.)

Russian radio stations:
-You'll find a listing of Russian radio stations that broadcast over the web here. My favorite is Наше радио. streams live from Portland! offers 92 different music channels. Happy listening!
If you prefer to have an English version, here it is.

Classic Russian films on Youtube:
The Russian film studio Mosfilm has been kind enough to put about 55 of their films on Youtube. They are high quality and subtitled in English. I recommend watching:
Ирония субьды, Иван Васильевич меняет профессию, Бриллиантовая рука, Дерсу Узала, Москва слезам не верит, Кавказская пленница, Броненосец Потемкин, Война и мир, Агония, Сталкер, Солярис, Девять дней одного года, Анна Каренина, Александр Невский, Холодное лето 53 года, Белое солнце пусыни, Они сражались за родину, Иваново детство, Баллада о солдате, Летят журавли, Звезда, Жестокий романс.

BBC Russian series "Goodbye Summer".
This series is dated and cheesy, but it worth watching. It's language is simple and there are on screen Russian subtitled that help you follow the dialogue. You'll never forget the saga of Viktor and Olga!

Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 1.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 2.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 3.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 4.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 5.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 6.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 7.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 8.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 9.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 10.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 11.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 12.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 13.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 14.
Watch "Goodbye Summer" episode 15.

Russian cartoons on Youtube:
-Watch the entire cartoon "Cheburashka i krokodil Gena."
-Russian Winnie the Pooh: "Винни Пух идёт в гости. Here's "Vinnie pukh and the honey tree "
     "Eyore's gloomy day Part I and Part II."
-"Troe iz Prostokvashino,"
-"Eжик в тумане"
-Nu pogodi (Russian Road Runner type of cartoon): Episodes 1-16.
-"The Cat and the Tree (with subtitles),"
"Malish i Karlson"
-"Левёнок и черепаха."
"Умка ищет друга."
"Лунтик" has many, many videos available to watch.

More stuff to watch on the Internet:
-You've watchedYouTube. But have you watched  RuTube, Russia's YouTube?

Russian DVD's, videos and books at PCC library
-Here's a link to the Russian DVD collection at the PCC Sylvania Library available for check out to PCC students.
-We have a great collection of Russian language readers, textbooks, dictionaries, grammar references at the PCC Sylvania library. Don't miss out!

Russian DVD's and videos at Multnomah County Library.
-Here's a link to the Russian DVD collection at the Multnomah County Library. They have 800+ DVDs available for 3 week check out. All you have to do is get a library card, put the DVD on hold and have it delivered for free to the Capitol Hill Branch library down the street from PCC or any other area library.

Additional sites:
-Make your own flashcards on Anki.
-Want to join a local Russian conversation group? You can do so through the Meetup company.

-Don't Forget Your Russian is a great site for supplemental reading texts.
-If you'd like to read Russian newspapers in English or Russian or even listen to Russian radio, go to Russian Alive. Some of the papers can only be read if you subscribe, but others are  free. The Moscow Times is one of the best English language newpaper listed here and it's free!
-Cornell University has a site called "Beginning Russian Through Film" that has downloads of lots of film clips that are great to watch. The Eralash clips are the easiest, since this was a t.v. show for school age kids.
-Have I managed to make you a lover of Russian proverbs yet? If so, here's a dictionary of them for Russian children.
-Give your tongue a workout with these
tongue twisters.
-For those of you who know American sign language, here you'll find the
Russian alphabet in Russian Sign Language,
which is different from American Sign Language.
-Want to learn how Russians say things? Here's an illustrated dictionary of Russian idioms.

This web page was created and is maintained by Kristine Shmakov. Please report any problems to