Regular past tense verbs

These verbs all end in  -ed.  Write the past form in the space.  Check your answers below.


1. start

2. finish

3. wash

4. watch

5. play

6. enjoy

7. cook

8. bake

9. fry

10. boil

11. study

12. carry

13. use

14. stop

15. shop

16. add

17. paint

18. wait

19. push

20. pull

21. rain

22. apply

23. die

24. stay

25. clean

26. walk

27. talk

28. type

29. close

30. open

31. visit

32. ask

33. travel

34. dream

35. want

36. hope

37. like

38. love

39. hate

40. share

41. live

42. work

43. learn

44. help

45. save

46. hop

47. sun

48. pad

49. bag

50. hum

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