last Past time expressions Look at the present time, then write it as past. Example: you see: today you write: yesterday Use yesterday or last in your answers. 1. today 2. this morning 3. tonight 4. this week 5. this month 6. this afternoon 7. this Wednesday 8. this evening 9. tonight 10. this summer 11. this weekend 12. this morning at 9:00 13. this May 14. today 15. this Saturday 16. this afternoon 17. this morning 18. this March 19. tonight 20. this time Score = Correct answers:
Past time expressions Look at the present time, then write it as past. Example: you see: today you write: yesterday Use yesterday or last in your answers.
1. today 2. this morning 3. tonight 4. this week 5. this month 6. this afternoon 7. this Wednesday 8. this evening 9. tonight 10. this summer 11. this weekend 12. this morning at 9:00 13. this May 14. today 15. this Saturday 16. this afternoon 17. this morning 18. this March 19. tonight 20. this time Score = Correct answers:
Score = Correct answers: