




Factors for Movement from ESL High to ENL Low

Factor 1: Reading

Recognizes high frequency words when reading grade- appropriate text

Reads familiar material aloud with natural phrasing, expression and appropriate pacing

Employs pre-reading strategies to predict content of text

Uses skimming and scanning to locate important information

Identifies sequence of events, main ideas, facts and supporting details in a variety of texts

Factor 2: Writing

Writes sentences that begin to flow and vary in length

Employs subject-verb agreement in writing

Writes paragraphs including topic sentence, supporting sentences and a conclusion

Demonstrates competence in simple and progressive tenses

Uses correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation

Factor 3: Speaking/Listening

Comprehends and responds to simple questions spoken at native speed

Speaks comfortably on a variety of common topics

Participates in group discussions

Can prepare and deliver simple oral presentation

Factor 4: Classroom Readiness

On time for class

Prepared with homework assignment

Cooperates with teacher and other students

Motivated to learn/positive attitude

Consistently demonstrates appropriate classroom behavior