




Factors for Movement from ENL Low to ENL High

Factor 1: Reading

Comprehends literal meaning of grade-level material of a variety of subjects and styles

Reads grade-level material aloud with natural phrasing, expression and appropriate pacing

Employs reading strategies including pre-reading, skimming and scanning

Identifies sequence of events, main ideas, facts and supporting details in a variety of texts

Can identify type of writing (narrative, descriptive, cause/effect, compare/contrast, opinion)

Can orally summarize main idea and answer questions regarding supporting details. Can locate information in text to support answers

Factor 2: Writing

Writes sentences that flow and vary in length

Use complete sentences with subject-verb agreement to convey ideas

Writes sentences and paragraphs in standard format (capital letters, punctuation, margins, etc.)

Arranges sentences logically within paragraphs, with clear topic, support and concluding sentences

Demonstrates competence in simple, progressive and perfect tenses

Uses correct spelling, capitalization and punctuation

Factor 3: Speaking/Listening

Comprehends and responds to questions spoken at native speed

Communicates intelligibly on a variety of topics

Participates in group discussions and debates

Can prepare and deliver oral presentation, as well as impromptu speech

Factor 4: Classroom Readiness

On time for class

Prepared with homework assignment

Cooperates with teacher and other students

Motivated to learn/positive attitude

Consistently demonstrates appropriate classroom behavior