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The Listing Essay

Listing organization is the simplest and easiest style to organize and write. The essay's topic is a list. It can be a list of places, people or things. Maybe it's a list of your favorite actors, styles of music or sports. It could also be a list of things to do in the winter, favorite holidays, or restaurants. It can be a list of suggestions, problems, examples, and ways to do something or benefits. If it can be put in a list, you can write a listing essay about it.

Possible Listing Essay titles:
  • Ways to Cook Eggs
  • My Favorite Songs American
  • Meals Big City Problems
  • Winter Sports
  • Places to Visit in Oregon
  • Movies to Avoid
  • Kinds of Transportation

    Planning the Listing Essay:
    The Listing Essay is a list of whatever your topic is. If you need to write a 5-paragraph essay, you will need at least 3 things in your list to become the 3 body paragraphs. (Of course those 3 paragraphs plus the introduction and conclusion make 5 paragraphs total.) If your title is Ways to Cook Eggs, you will need to make a list of three different ways to cook eggs. If your topic is American Meals, you will need to make a list of three different American meals.
    What could the lists be? Ways to Cook Eggs American Meals 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. (possible answers: Fry, boil, scramble, poach, omelet, etc.) (possible answers: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.)
  • Try some more of the titles. What could the 3 things in the list be?


    The Thesis Statement:
    Listing Organization thesis statements are not difficult to write. If you know your topic, and you know you are going to write a listing essay, you are ready to write the thesisstatement. If we use Ways to Cook Eggs, we just need to know that the topic is cooking eggs, and that the essay will give a list of ways to cook them. Put it in a sentence, and you have a thesis statement:

    There are many ways to cook eggs. Or: You can cook eggs many different ways.


    People cook eggs in a variety of ways.
    All of these three different sentences are possible thesis statements for this essay topic.
    They give the topic of the essay: cooking eggs, and the controlling idea: different ways.
    Remember: the controlling idea controls or limits what you say in the essay about the topic. In this example, it limits what you write about cooking eggs to “different ways.”
    You’re limited to only writing about different ways to cook eggs, so you are not going to tell the story of the first time you tried cooking eggs, the best eggs you ever cooked or the history of cooking eggs in your country.
The Listing Essay Body Paragraphs:
    Now that you have your body paragraph topics, you can write the topic sentences. Remember the topic sentence is usually first in the paragraph. It usually starts with a transition word. It tells what that paragraph is about.
    Ways to Cook Eggs
    Thesis Statement: There are many ways to cook eggs.
    3 Body Paragraph Topics: Ways to cook eggs 3 Topic Sentences
      1. Fry
    The first way to cook eggs is to fry them.
      2. Boil
    Boiling is another good way to cook eggs.
      3. Scramble
    In addition, many people like to scramble eggs.

Now that you have the topic sentences for the body paragraphs, you need the support: all of the information, details and examples about each body paragraph topic that you will write in sentences in the body paragraphs.

Here is an example of brainstorming support for each body paragraph.

(Brainstorming is just writing down any and all words and ideas you can think of about the topic) There are many ways to cook eggs.

Body Paragraphs: Support
The first way to cook eggs is to fry them. Oil butter bacon grease frying pan salt pepper over easy sunny side up yolk white runny firm toast fork spatula flip break crack shell watch don’t burn plate hard
Boiling is another good way to cook eggs. Water pot drop egg poach hard boiled soft boiled timer shell crack yolk runny hard toast salt pepper dill boiling hot steam burn egg cup hot sauce
In addition, many people like to scramble eggs. Pan butter stir mix fluffy air milk salt pepper cheese onions meat chopped vegetables peppers mushrooms cream cheese omelet children yellow rubbery careful good easy toast

Now that there are a lot of words and information for each body paragraph topic, it’s time to put them into sentences to write the body paragraphs. Remember, each body paragraph should have at least 5 sentences: topic sentence, supporting sentence 1, supporting sentence 2, supporting sentence 3, (more supporting sentences, depending on the topic), and the closing sentence.

There are many ways to cook eggs.

The first way to cook eggs is to fry them. You can fry eggs in oil, butter or bacon grease. The oil, butter or grease should be in a very hot frying pan. Some people like their fried eggs “sunny side up”. This means the eggs are fried on only one side. If you flip the egg with a spatula and cook it on both sides, it’s called “over easy”. Some people like the yolks completely cooked so that they are firm. Others like them runny, or liquid. They break the yolk with a fork and eat it on toast or maybe fried potatoes. Most people like the whites completely cooked. Fried eggs are very tasty and easy to cook.
Boiling is another good way to cook eggs. All you need is a pot of boiling water. You can make poached eggs, soft or hard boiled eggs. A poached egg is cracked and dropped into the boiling water. After two or three minutes, it is removed from the water, drained and served on a plate. Both soft and hard boiled eggs are cooked in the shell. A soft boiled egg needs to boil for about three or four minutes, and a hard boiled egg takes about eight or nine minutes. These eggs can be served in the shell in an eggcup, or you can scoop them out of the shell and serve them with over toast. Poached and soft boiled eggs are very good with hot sauce or dill.

In addition, many people like to scramble eggs. “Scrambled” means mixed up. Some people mix the eggs with a little milk, salt and pepper. They like to make the eggs very light and fluffy before they pour them hot butter, oil or bacon grease in a frying pan. You can also crack the eggs directly into the hot pan and stir them there. Scrambled eggs are delicious plain, but many people like to add cheese, chopped meat or vegetables to them. Ham, onions, peppers or mushrooms are popular. Cream cheese, cheddar cheese or fresh herbs are also delicious in scrambled eggs or omelets. Scrambled eggs are probably the easiest kind of eggs to cook. They’re hard to ruin unless you cook them too long. Then, they can burn or become rubbery. They’re also a favorite of children.

The Listing Essay Introduction:
Some people write the introduction before they write the body. You can also write it after you write the body. This might be easier because after you write the body, you know exactly what you are going to introduce. It doesn’t matter which part you write first because on the paper, the introduction will be first. The reader will not know which paragraph you wrote first.
Like all introductions, the Listing Essay introduction generally follows a basic formula: Catchy opener, general statement(s) leading to more specific statement(s) and thesis statement.
Remember, the catchy opener is an interesting way to open the essay and catch the reader’s attention. The general-to-specific statements connect the catchy opener to the thesis statement or tell necessary background information about the topic, and the thesis statement tells what the whole essay is about and usually how it is organized.
How many different ways are there to cook eggs? Probably thousands! If people have an eggs and a source of heat, they find a way to cook them. How will they choose to cook those eggs? Well, they have a lot of choices because there are many ways to cook eggs.
The Listing Essay Conclusion:
Like other kinds of conclusions, the listing conclusion follows a basic formula. It reviews or summarizes the most important points from the essay’s body. It usually repeats the thesis statement from the introduction, but in a different way and in other words. The last sentence of the conclusion is usually a closing thought—something for the reader to remember or think about after reading the essay. Remember not to introduce any different information. Stay with ways to cook eggs.


Eggs are a cheap, nutritious and readily available food. Many people eat them every day, so it is important to know many ways to cook them. Fortunately, frying, boiling and scrambling are just three ways, but there are many, many more. How will you cook your next eggs?
Now, put it all together in order: introduction—body—conclusion

—and you have a 5-paragraph listing essay:

Ways to Cook Eggs

How many different ways are there to cook eggs? Probably thousands! If people have an eggs and a source of heat, they find a way to cook them. How will they choose to cook thoseeggs? Well, they have a lot of choices because there are many ways to cook eggs.

The first way to cook eggs is to fry them. You can fry eggs in oil, butter or bacon grease. The oil, butter or grease should be in a very hot frying pan. Some people like their fried eggs sunny side up”. This means the eggs are fried on only one side. If you flip the egg with a spatula and cook it on both sides, it’s called “over easy”. Some people like the yolks completely cooked so that they are firm. Others like them runny, or liquid. They break the yolk with a fork and eat it on toast or maybe fried potatoes. Most people like the whites completely cooked. Fried eggs are very tasty and easy to cook.

Boiling is another good way to cook eggs. All you need is a pot of boiling water. You can make poached eggs, soft or hard boiled eggs. A poached egg is cracked and dropped into the boiling water. After two or three minutes, it is removed from the water, drained and served on a plate. Both soft and hard boiled eggs are cooked in the shell. A soft boiled egg needs to boil for about three or four minutes, and a hard boiled egg takes about eight or nine minutes. These eggs can be served in the shell in an eggcup, or you can scoop them out of the shell and serve them with over toast. Poached and soft boiled eggs are very good with hot sauce or dill.

In addition, many people like to scramble eggs. “Scrambled” means mixed up. Some people mix the eggs with a little milk, salt and pepper. They like to make the eggs very light and fluffy before they pour them hot butter, oil or bacon grease in a frying pan. You can also crack the eggs directly into the hot pan and stir them there. Scrambled eggs are delicious plain, but many people like to add cheese, chopped meat or vegetables to them. Ham, onions, peppers or mushrooms are popular. Cream cheese, cheddar cheese or fresh herbs are also delicious in scrambled eggs or omelets. Scrambled eggs are probably the easiest kind of eggs to cook. They’re hard to ruin unless you cook them too long. Then, they can burn or become rubbery. They’re also a favorite of children.

Eggs are a cheap, nutritious and readily available food. Many people eat them every day, so it is important to know many ways to cook them. Fortunately, frying, boiling and scrambling are just three ways, but there are many, many more. How will you cook your next eggs?

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