Reality Check: Employer's Expectations for New Graduates
Group Discussion Comments (2/5/16)
- "Are we obligated to work with employers to ease school-work transition? Who is responsible?"
- "Workplace orientations help."
- "Is it too late to teach soft skills (in college)? Isn't this really K-12?"
- "We should encourage students to explore different career fields early in their college experience. (It may change their minds.)"
Suggestions for future action:
- "We can help managers understand their roles for training by providing information and resources."
- "We should talk with local high schools about the need for soft skills (in work and in college)."
- "Work-based activities can be integrated into our classes and services."
- "Curriculum should reflect these expectations across programs."
- "Better Together is a good central Oregon resource."
- "Have students do self-assessments in class or for projects."
- "Have students do presentations of work in class."
- "Informational interviewing is a useful tool for students (to explore both technical and soft skills requirements in the workplace)."
S.O.S. - Real Employer Expectations
Group Discussion Comments (11/5/14)
- "Instructors see problems with students' Soft Skills in the classroom too."
- "Local employers report these same issues - especially for younger workers."
- "Our employers often complain about a lack of work ethic or specifically request a 'strong work ethic' when recruiting."
- "Students need to know this."
- "Do employers really expect colleges to change student's social behaviors (like addiction to social media)?"
- "Teachers have a dilemma. Hold students to high standards, get poor reviews, have lower completion rates and grades, or 'go easy' on students."
- "(Emphasizing) Soft skills might hurt completion agenda."
- "Because students only take our classes (History) if they have to, or really LOVE history, it's sometimes hard to offer challenging classes."
- "How can we (the college) solve these problems? I don't really have an answer."
- "We need systemic changes if we are going to make a difference. (Like the "Drop Delete" policy.)"
- "Employers are having a hard time finding people with good STEM skills also. They have to hire outside (of state and country)."
- "The completion rate of STEM classes in high school is very low. (2%?)"
- "Internships have had a big effect on our graduates' success (in Engineering & Science)."
- "Students who need these (soft skills) most may not take liberal arts classes."
Suggestions for future action:
- "Could we develop a list of suggested "Soft Skills" classes that students should take for the advisors?"
- "Hold students to deadlines and schedules in classes."
- "Pairing up older students with work experience with younger students in class, labs, study groups, etc. to share work culture values."
- "Encourage students to go outside of class for resources to complete homework and projects. Use primary sources, not secondary."
- "Share this presentation with the Advising Council."
- "Let the administration know about this relative to the Completion Agenda and retention."
- "Make this presentation to the deans."
- "Please post the research."