Instructional Multimedia

Distance Learning & Instructional Support


Monica Marlo Martinez-Gallagher, M.Ed.- Learning & Technology

Specialization: Immersive Education
Portland Community College
Portland, Oregon USA
Sylvania TCB
monica dot martinezgallagher at pcc dot edu

*Immersive Education Engineer. Multi disciplinary, a blended use of analog and digital interactive storytelling tools to immerse a learner toward measurable objectives. (eg: 3D virtual worlds, augmented reality, simulations, etc.)

m2 Photo

I can assist you with:
-Instructional Design Consultation (Pedagogy & Visual Design)
-Multimedia Project Planning & Resources
-Immersive Education Design
-Virtual Worlds and Immersive Environments for Teaching and Learning
-Streaming Media
-Interactive Design (Sound, Graphics, Audio, Limited Video (web quality))
-Augmented Reality & Place Based Learning
-ePortfolio Training & Integration

Research & Publications:
(PDF) The Effect of Avatar Co-presence in Multi User Virtual Environments on Learning Communities in Distance Education.

(Book) Real-Time Research: Improvisational Game Scholarship. Squire, et. al. Viral Notebooks: Aubrecht, Lee, & Martinez-Gallagher

Course Design & Teaching:
Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Second Life (Moodle)
D2L ePortfolio Faculty Training (Desire2Learn)
MM142- Introduction to Augmented Reality

Active Committees:
Media Tactics
OCCDLA Emergent Technologies Coordinator
Masters of Online Development (AKA: "The MOD Squad")

Associations, Institutions & Groups:
The Emergent Learning Commons
Oregon Immersive Learning and Education Initiative
OCCDLA Coordinator, Emergent Technology Work Group
NWACC- Northwest Academic Computig Consortium
NWMET 2011 Director

GLS & the Academic ADL Co-Lab
Alumna (UW Madison & ADL Initiative Joint)

Active Pilot Projects:
Desire2Learn ePortfolio with GRN, AST and ED programs

ARIS "Mate if You Can"- Augmented Reality & Biology

Active Production Projects:
(PCC) Faculty Professional Development (Emergent Technologies)
(PCC)Instructor Immediacy and Video Introductions


Spring 2020 is here! This term I have online office hours for consultation by appointment. If you have questions about using multimedia technology, immersive education practices, emergent technologies, WEb 2.0 tools or games and simulations for teaching and learning, feel welcome to contact me for an appointment to review your needs.

Remember, at each campus, you have an instructional technology specialist who is available to help you meet immediate instructional technology and multimedia needs. Check out the contacts page from the Instructional Support website for this and lots more information to help you succeed with technology in your courses!