Even the research, which claims that fluoride causes cancer,
is not conclusive and its direct correlation is inconclusive (13). But in
a systematic research evaluation of the effects of water fluoridation on
the general public, no evidence was found to support claims that fluoride
causes cancer, there is no clear association of [bone] fractures and fluoride
and no clear association between water fluoridation and overall cancer incidence
and mortality. However, it did support findings of a significant reduction
in decay for the general public, reduces the inequalities in dental health
across social classes in 5-12 year olds. (13)
Are we at risk of consuming too much fluoride through foods, beverages,
AND water?
The total intake of fluoride from air, water and food in an optimally
fluoridated community in the United States does not pose significant health
risks (4). Children living in a community with water fluoridation get a
portion of their daily fluoride intake from fluoridated water and a portion
from dietary sources, which would include food and other beverages. When
considering water fluoridation, an individual must consume one liter of
water fluoridated at 1 part per million (1 ppm) to receive 1 milligram (1
mg) of fluoride. Children under six years of age would consume, on average,
less than 0.5mg of fluoride a day from drinking optimally fluoridated water
(at 1 ppm). Studies of fluoride intake from the diet including foods,
beverages and water indicate the fluoride ingestion from these sources has
remained relatively constant for over half a century and therefore, is not
likely to be associated with an observed increase in dental fluorosis.
Can Fluoride Harm the Environment?
Oregon's status on water fluoridation
Who Benefits Most?
While many compelling articles and documentations exist for both sides,
the balanced, weighted research, utilizing all components of thorough scientific
study supports the evidence in favor of water fluoridation. Yet it behooves
the individual to come to his or her own educated conclusions about this
controversial subject. What to keep in mind when evaluating the evidence is:
1. What is the source of this information (who is presenting
it and what credentials for scientific support do they have?)?
2. Do they support their claims with sound, scientifically
balanced research?
3. Are their findings conclusive? Is there a direct
correlation between fluoride and the affects they claim?
4. Do you trust the information they are
giving you? Is it presented in a factual process and does it come to a logical
conclusion? Do they use sensationalism in any shape or form or try to appeal
to your emotions?
Where can I find out more about water fluoridation?
When looking for information on any subject. Utilize founded, reputable
sources. Be wary on websites without the research to back up their claims
and read the research carefully: results from research can be interpreted
many different ways. Ask your dentist or someone else you trust to know
about fluoride. Then you decide and use your power to vote. Your city cannot
put fluoride in your water without a majority vote. Thousands of communities
in the U.S. have made the decision to fluoridate their water supply based
on overwhelming information that fluoride is beneficial to the dental health
of most citizens and is not harmful to the ordinary person. You may find
these few websites a good place to start for more information on community
water fluoridation:
Fluoridation Endorsing
Organizations in the Portland
Metro Area – November 2004
Endorsing Organizations
Since the inception of water fluoridation, there have been unsubstantiated
claims that water fluoridation causes a variety of health problems - cancer,
Downs Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, bone disease, kidney problems, allergic reactions,
etc. To ensure the public that these claims are false, the following
are a few of the organizations that have publicly endorsed water fluoridation
Local Organizations
Oregon Department of Human Services
OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital
Oregon Pediatric Society
Oregon Academy of Family Physicians
OHSU School of Dentistry
Oregon Dental Foundation
Center for Health Research
Oregon Public Health Association
Northwest Health Foundation
Medical Society of Metropolitan Portland
The Oregon Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians
Association of Oregon Public Health Nurse Supervisors
American College of Nurse-Midwives, Oregon Chapter
Oregon Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Oregon Dietetic Association
ODS Health Plans
City Club of Portland
Community Action Organization Oregon Parent Teacher Association
YWCA of Greater Portland
West District Caring Community
Multnomah County Health Department
Multnomah Education Service District
Legacy Health System
Providence Health System
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon
Kaiser Permanente Foundation Health Plan
Northwest Permanente, PC (Kaiser physicians)
Permanente Dental Associates (Kaiser dentists)
Willamette Dental Group, PC
Division of Allied Health at Mt. Hood Community College
The Neighborhood Health Clinics, Inc.
Virginia Garcia Memorial Dental Clinic
Albina Head Start
Oregon Head Start
Capitol Dental Care, Inc.
Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Medical Directors Group
OHP Project Prevention
OHP Early Childhood Cavities Prevention Coalition
Oregon Dental Association
Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association
Oregon Dental Assistants AssociationHead Start
Multnomah County Dental Society
Washington County Dental Society
Portland Dental Hygienists’ Association
Mt. Hood Dental Hygienists’ Component
Washington County Dental Hygienists’ Component
Mt. Hood Community College Dental Hygiene Program
Portland Community College/Dental Sciences Department
National and International Organizations
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health
National Health Council
U.S. Public Health Service
World Health Organization
American Medical Association
British Medical Association
Canadian Medical Association
American Nurses’ Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Family Practice
American Public Health Association
American Dietetic Association
American Society of Clinical Nutrition
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
American Council on Science and Health
American School Health Association
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
National Parent Teachers’ Association
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
Centers for Service in the Public Interest
Institute of Medicine
National Academy of Science
Indian Health Service
Head Start Bureau and Early Head Start
American Osteopathic Association
National Cancer Institute
American Cancer Society
National Downs Syndrome Society
American Osteopathic Association
National Kidney Foundation
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
National Council against Health Fraud
European Organizations for Caries Research
International Association for Dental Research
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
American Society of Dentistry for Children
American Dental Association
American Dental Hygienists’ Association
British Dental Association
Canadian Dental Association
1. Gagliardi, Lori, “Dental Health Education,
Lesson Planning and Implementation,” Appleton & Lange, 1999.
2. Nelson, Debralee McKelvey, Saunder’s Review of Dental
Hygiene, W.B. Saunders Co., 2000.
7. Johnson, RDH, Laurie, Tri-County
Fluoridation Forum, 2004.
8. Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, Mt. View, CA website,
9. American Dental Association Fluoridation Facts, 1999.
10. “Fluoride Levels in Different Drinking
Water Sources in Bangladesh,” Hoque, et. al., , Fluoride Journal of the
International Society for Fluoride Research Vol 36, No. 1, p 38-44, 2003.
Retrieved from website
11. “Fluoride in Drinking Water on
Children’s Intelligence,” Xiang, et. al., Fluoride Journal of the International
Society for Fluoride Research, Vol 36, No. 2, p. 84-94, 2003. Retrieved
from website
12. “Fluoridation of Drinking Water: A Systematic
Review of Its Efficacy and Safety.” York Centre for Reviews and Dissemination,
Retreived from website
13. “Evaluation of the National Toxicology Program (NTP)
Cancer Bioassay on Sodium Fluoride,” Calabrese E, PhD., 1991 Jun, commissioned
by the East Bay Municipal Utility District, Summary by John R. Lee, M.D.
Retrieved from website
14. “Fluoride, Teeth and the Atomic Bomb,” Griffiths
and Bryson. Retrieved from website
15. “Fluoride and Stupidity,” David Icke’s Medical Archives,
16. “Bayer = IG Farben Nazi Chemical Conglomerate,” Moth,
August 2004. Retrieved from website
This cite, was written solely as an informative piece of
information for a technical writing 227 class @ Portland Community College
Written by: Matt Curren Last modified: 12/05/04