Portland Community College


It's important to follow through on all significant contacts. Keep your network open and active over time by keeping in touch with your contacts. There are a number of ways to follow-up.

Thank You Letters and Cards

Certainly an interview deserves a thank you letter, but so does an informational interview, a personal referral or a really good job lead. You may need to remind the reader who you are and what they did for you. Keep thank you letters brief and to the point. Remember, this is another sample of your work, so keep it professional.

Your Address

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Contact Name, Title

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Dear _______ (Use formal address, i.e., Mr. or Ms.)

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I appreciated the opportunity to interview with you on _____________ (Date) for the _____________ (Job Title) position. The information you shared about ___________________ (Company Name) was of great interest to me. I am excited about this chance to work for your company.

If I can provide you with any additional information, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Skip 4 lines for signature.

(Your typed name)

You may want to include additional information in the letter that was not covered in the interview. Also, you may send any requested information, e.g., references, with the letter. But keep any additional remarks brief.

Continued Interest

It is important to stay in touch with companies that interest you. If you have not received notice that a company has received your materials, or if it has been some time since your last contact, you may need to follow-up by phone or mail.

Your Address

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Contact Name, Title

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Dear _______ (Use formal address, i.e., Mr. or Ms.)

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This letter regards my application submitted last June. I have not heard if the _______________ (Job Title) position has been filled, but wanted to again express my interest in the opening. An additional copy of my resume is enclosed for your review.

Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Skip 4 lines for signature.

(Your typed name)

Even if a position has been filled, you may express interest in future openings. (You never know, an additional position may be added or the new hire may not work out.) Other than the thank you letter, each follow-up should include an additional copy of your resume.

Organize Your Follow-up

Keep track of your contacts and up-to-date on job and company information. Write down deadlines. Organize your job search information to include:

Whether you use a formal database, 3 & 5 cards, or merely take notes on the back of job announcements, this information will be helpful in maintaining contacts and reapplying should it become necessary.

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Webmaster, 2013