Geo's Web Corner

Tools of the Trade

All web developers need some basic tools to do the job. Here are some links and downloads for the beginning web developer. These resources are all freeware or shareware. Now all you need is guts and imagination.

Just the Basics, Bubba

- Basic HTML Tutorials

A Beginner's Guide to HTML (NCSA): A good, basic tutorial, including images, tables and web design. Links to other resources. Reads like a text book, but the best introduction to HTML I've seen.

HTML Crash Course for Educators (Andy Carvin): Less comprehensive than above, but easier to read. Excellent examples of basic elements.

Holy HTML!

- Web Editors & AuthoringTools

Netscape Communicator/Composer: Netscape's Browser (V. 3 & 4) comes with a WYSIWYG (What YouSee Is What You Get) editing tool. Not as much control as a decent HTML editor, but some people don't care to write the tags themselves. (Gasp!)

AOLPress: A free WYSIWYG web authoring tool from the folks at AOL. Good visual design tool in "MiniWebs". Built in FTP for AOL users.


Arachnophilia: One of my freeware favorites. Tools for forms, frames, tables, sound, etc., etc.,etc.


Gotta Getta Graphic

- Graphic Viewers/Converters

L View Pro: A good basic tool to view, convert, resize and edit images. Supports and converts most formats. Shareware.

WIN 95:

Future Paint 2: A good, basic graphic viewer and design tool. And it's free.
Free Graphics: A nice site offering free graphic sets for web pages and a lot of links to other free graphics sites.

Mannerly File Management

- File Transfer Protocol Software

 WSFTP : This is the tool you will use to upload and download files between your local drive (i.e., your PC) and your server.

Anonymous 1.0 Beta5: This is a pretty good tool you use to upload and download files between your local drive (i.e., your MAC) and your server.

MAC OS8/9:

CyberDuck: A very nice FTP tool for MAC OSX.


Want to URL?

- Free Web Hosts

TopCities: 150M web space! Home page builder available. Built in file manager/FTP. Direct FTP available. "Sub-domains", e.g., Required banner advertising.

Tripod: 20 MBs of free space. Built in file manager/FTP. Home page builder available. "Sub-domains", e.g., Free scripts and graphics. Free Blog and photo album tools. Choice of required ads (banner or pop-up.)

Unzip It!

- Compressed File Converter

MacZip: A free MAC tool that opens compressed files and compresses open files. (A zen thing.)


SuperZip: Same thing as above,Windows-style. Simple, free, easy to use.
WIN 95:

Other Cheap Thrills

- Shareware and Freeware Archives

Try either link below for a smorgasborg of internet tools and plugins, desktop utilities, toys and games:


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