File Lab
in Word. Work with a partner and submit ONE COPY per pair. Include the
following at the top of your submission:
1: Name
(driver or navigator) _____________________________
2: Name
(driver or navigator)______________________________
Please note if one partner did not work on
all problems:
Program 1
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> // For file I/O
using namespace std;
int main()
float startMileage;
float endMileage;
numGallons; // # of
gallons for fillup
float totGallons = 0;
float mpg; // Computed miles per gallon
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;
// Open the files"??:inmpg.txt");//replace ?? with the appropriate path for YOUR file
if (!inFile)
cout << "can't find inmpg.txt" << endl;
return 0;
}"??:outmpg.txt");//replace ?? with the appropriate path for YOUR file
// Get data
cout << "reading from file" << endl;
inFile >> startMileage >> endMileage;
inFile >> numGallons;
while (inFile)
totGallons = totGallons + numGallons;
infile >> numGallons;
// Compute miles per gallon
mpg = (endMileage - startMileage) / totGallons;
// Output results
cout << "wrote to file outmpg.txt" << endl;
outFile << "For a starting mileage of " << startMileage << endl;
outFile << "and an ending mileage of " << endMileage << endl;
outFile << "the mileage per gallon is " << mpg << endl;
return 0;
1. Type in the above program as mileage.cpp. Compile.
2. Create a text file called inmpg.txt. It should contain the starting and ending miles on your odometer, then four gallon amounts. This file should contain no text, only numeric values separated by blanks.
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3. Run the program and list the output file (open outmpg.txt).
4. Create a new input file. You’ll have to change the name of the file in your program. Be sure to change the name of your output file as well, so you don’t write over your previous work. The new file will have only odometer readings – no gallons.
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5. Run. Change the program so it works correctly and run again. Ensure that the program still functions with the original input.
Submit the final program, both input files and both output files.