Modularity Homework:
Implement the
following functions. For each argument, indicate “passed by value” or “passed
by reference”.
Towson University
Show a sample call.
For the
following problems:
a. write a hierarchy chart
b. write code for main and all other modules
c. trace
1. Design an algorithm that will input sales volume records (until -1) from the user and print the sales commission owing to each salesperson. Input includes salesperson number, name and that person's volume of sales for the month. The commission rate varies according to the sales volume:
On sales volume of : Commission rate (%):
$0.00-$200.00 5
$200.01-$1000.00 8
$1000.01-$2000.00 10
$2000.01 and above 12
Commission = commission rate * volume
Your program is to print the salesperson's number, name, volume of sales and calculated commission.
2. Design an algorithm that will prompt for and receive your current check book balance, followed by a number of financial transactions. Each transaction consists of a transaction code and a transaction amount. The code can be a 'D' for deposit or 'C' for check. Your program is to add each deposit amount to the balance and subtract each check amount. After each transaction is processed, a new running balance is displayed, with a warning message if the balance becomes negative. When there are no more transactions a 'Q' is entered as the transaction code. Your algorithm is to then display the initial and final balance along with the number of checks and deposits that were made.