Both residents and visitors alike enjoy the many bronze statues in downtown Portland. There are sculptures of a bear catching a salmon while her two young cubs watch, and others of ducks swimming in small pools of water and deer walking along the sidewalk. “Allow Me” is the name of a well-known statue of a man hailing a cab in Pioneer Courthouse
Square. This statue is so realistic that some people stop and try to talk with the man! “Portlandia” (above) in front of the Portland Building on SW 5th Avenue, is the most famous statue in the city. It’s the second-largest hammered copper statue ever made, second only to the Statue of Liberty in New York. The statues of Portland are an important part of the city’s character.
If you want to see one of these public art sculptures in person, click on this link to Tri-Met’s website page. It has information on how to get to the sculptures from wherever you are: